Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing so please enjoy.

It had been 9 days since she fled from the lost cities. The neverseen were after her and everyone she cares about including a special pair of ice blue eyes- nope, no way was she thinking this. Not one bit. She shook her head and listened to her ipod. She would of listened for ever but a knock on the door interrupted her. 

"Oh hi Keefe come on in" I sat down and patted next to me.  27 Awkward seconds went by until Sophie said "Come on keefe spit it out!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "Sophie im worried about you" Keefe blurted out. 

"Why does everyone have to be worried about me" Sophie said annoyed. 

"Sophie people care about!" Keefe said. 

"I can handle myself, why can't people leave me alone" Sophie said angrily.

 "It's because I love you!" Keefe blurted out. He looked just as shocked as Sophie. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster I love you" he repeated.

" i can't... not worth it" Sophie muttered while backing away. She tried to back up more but she was already touching the wall. Slowly Keefe approached her and wrapped his arms around her.                                                                                                                                                          

They swayed in the wind while Keefe said "Its ok, you don't have to talk". After 457 seconds Sophie calmed down Sophie gathered all her courage and...

Kissed him. At first Keefe was surprised but when he realised what's happening he leaned in. Sophie could feel the spark--no fireworks and realised she made the right decision. After a long time they broke apart gasping for air but still connecting foreheads.                                                     

"That was unexpected" Keefe chuckled. 

"How long have you like me?" Sophie asked.                                                                                                 

"Ever since the day i met you in foxfire, you are smart, strong, brave, beautiful, kind, generous and will protect the people you love with your life. That's the things i love about you" Keefe replied. At this point Sophie was in tears. They were happy tears, Very, Very happy tears.

Then Keefe smiled and said "I found this place while I was exploring and I think you will love it". Before she could say anything he covered her eyes and dragged her outside. 

"KEEFE SENCEN WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!" Sophie yelled.                                                                     

"You will just have to wait m'lady" Keefe said smugly. She knew Keefe was just as stubborn as her maybe even more so she let him take her. 

After 128 seconds she said "KEEEEEFE. As your girlfriend I must know where i'm going" .  She didn't realise she said the G word. The words had came right through her mouth. With Fitz she would have never been able to say that but with Keefe it felt so naturel. 

"Jeez foster i didn't know you were so pushy" Keefe said. After another 73 seconds they stopped. Keefe took his hands off and said "Here we are". There was a big oak door with an old steel circle door knob. They opened the door and saw.......

530 words not bad. 

Hehehe i'm very evil. Put in the comments what you think they saw. Hopefully i will post every week or two. Please vote and yeah I think that's it. 

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