Chapter 2

22 2 1

Contains swearing

They opened the door and saw.......

Tam and Biana cuddled up on a big leather couch. "Wait a second..." Keefe trailed off. Biana and Tam then noticed the two were there and jumped up immediately.                                

"We...uhh...were...we-" Biana was saying.                         

Keefe cut her off and said "We know. It's ok. BUT WHY DATE TAM!". 

"KEEFE!!" Sophie said while slapping him. 

"That hurts" Keefe said dramatically. 

"Oh shut up you big baby" she replied.

"I don't want to stop the drama but why were you guys coming in holding hands?" Biana interrupted.

Now it was Sophie's turn to stutter. "I..uhh...we...uhh.."

"Come on Soph, they probably figured out already" Keefe said. 

"Well its pretty obvious" Tam said. "BUT WHY WOULD YOU DATE KEEFE!".

"TAMMY!!!" Biana yelled. 

"Awww looks like Tammy's got a new nickname" Keefe teased. 

"You little-" Tam muttered.

"I swear you guys are so similar yet you hate each other" Sophie said. 

"WE ARE NOT SIMILAR!!!" Keefe and Tam screamed. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!"                                       " I SAID IT FIRST!!!" "STOP COPYING M-". Before they could say more Marella and Linh walked in with Linh in Marellas arms. Then they stopped mid walking. 

"If there is a time to believe in the universe, this is the time" Biana said shocked. 

"How in the exile are we all dating and reveal it in a 5 minute span?" Keefe asked.

"Wait you guys are dating" Marella asked.

"Yep!" Biana replied going closer to Tam.

"I mean it was really obvious that you liked each other but you 4 are way too oblivious" Marella said annoyingly. 

"Hold on we need to sit down before we get into any details" Sophie insisted. 

Everyone sat down and Keefe then asked " How long have you all been dating? Biana and Tam?"

"A couple weeks" Biana stated. "How long have YOU two have been dating".

"Just 20 minutes ago" Sophie said surprised. 

"WAIT WHAT!" Biana exclaimed. "HOW? You guys are so comfortable with each other".

"I guess we've known each other for so long" Keefe replied. "Now Marella and Linh, how long have you been dating" Keefe questioned. No one answered.

After 73 seconds and counting Linh muttered "Almost a year".

"WHAT!" everyone screamed. 

"How did you hide it so well? What exact moment did you tell each other you liked them? When did you like her?" Biana was questioning. She started asking so many questions it just sounded like "HJhbnajndihwebfherdjbavrehbfueabfrehbfrgishrbgrituthbr".

"Woah Bi, slow down" Tam said rubbing her back.

Biana took a deep breath. "Thanks Tam"  Biana replied. "Now answer the questions" Biana exclaimed. 

"Um... we told each other that we liked each other right after Maruca asked Sophie to join the black swan" Linh replied.

"AND WHEN DID YOU LIKE EACH OTHER???" Biana asked impatiently. 

"A year before that." Linh muttered.

"A year and a half before that" Marella whispered. Linh now had tears in her eyes and kissed Marella. 

"I love you so much" Linh said to her.

I love you too" Marella replied hugging her tightly. 

"Awwww" Sophie cooed. "Wait a second" Sophie interrupted. "Did anyone tell someone about their relationship?" Sophie questioned.

"No..." Tam replied.

"Not us" Marella answered.

"Shit" Sophie said. "Now we have to do a grand reveal and I have the perfect plan" Sophie said mysteriously. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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