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Introduction: hi I'm Alexia but I like Alex batter I'm three and I live at miss.perrygreens home for children mommy and daddy hurt me so now they gone. My favorite color is PURPLE and a lot more my favorite music is green day and five seconds of summer and a lot more I also love my stuffed animal bunny her name is jade my middle name! Well I got to go

Alex pov: GIRLS GET UP! Oh it's time to get up now I got up and noticed today is adopting day I got my red converse and a purple and black dress that was really soft and went to eat breakfast which was a egg and toast with Nutella on it then I went back upstairs to my room and sang my favorite song good girls by five seconds of summer and got my little tinny blue guitar and then I Hurd lots of screaming then I trying playing the song but I don't know how to play so it kinda sounded horrible but then I sang
'She's a guud gorl she's daddws faborwite he saved for hobord he knows she'll make it (she's a good girl she's daddy's favorite he saved for harvord he knows she'll make it) when I was trying to think of the rest I Hurd clapping I looked up and saw michael from five seconds of summer and smiled and said "tank you" he said 'you welcome sweetie why aren't you down there with the other girls?' "they don't wike me and no one want to be my new mommy and daddy" 'how about I be your new daddy?' "OTAY" 'okay Hun pack up' I grabbed my back pack and put my stuff bunny 2 shirts 3 pants and a brush and my toothbrush, guitar and walked down to my new daddy as he said 'that's all you have' "yep" 'how about we go shopping' "wut dat" 'it's where you go and buy All kinds of stuff and I'll let you get a toy' "oh OTay' we got into the car as daddy drove to a store called target he got me out Of my car seat and got me lots of clothes and I got toys and he let me get a stuffed animal well 3 I got a doll too! Off to a new life with daddy

.I will update soon.

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