If I get tagged

324 10 61

Name: Daisy

Gender: female

Age: 14

Height: 5'8

Weight: 117

Single or taken: single 

Ever fell in love: yes

Favorite food: Taquitos 

Favorite color: blue

Longest relationship: 6 years. 

Battery Percent: 40%

Eye color: green and hazel( my eyes change color)

Addictions: books, Pinterest, Wattpad, Taylor Swift, and coffee

Favorite animal: CATS

Favorite singers: Alec Benjamin, Beach Bunny, Billie Eillish, Cavetown, Conan Gray, Olivia Rodrigo, and Taylor Swift

Piercing: my ears are pierced

My biggest dream: to live in a fictional world where I get to marry Maxon Schreave 

Country I live in: United States 

Insecure?: as shit

Ever cried myself to sleep?: yea last night 

Biggest fear: being left alone, no one knowing I exist, being rejected. 

Been depressed: sometimes 

Felt lonely: yes, even though that's my biggest fear

Something I hate: this girl in my class

One thing I would change about myself: i'm rude sometimes

Do I sleep with the door open or closed?: closed

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