another tag cause i'm bored

36 2 55

1. do i have a good relationship with my parents?? 

yeah. i do actually. i can always talk to them about stuff and they love me so yeah. 

2. who did i last say 'i love you' to??

if we don't count my sister's cat piper then i think it was maybe aza razmataz-ie . oh wait, maybe it was my mom. i don't remember 

3. do i regret anything??

um yeah. i regret a lot of things but there isn't anything i can do about it so moving along 

4. am i insecure??

yeah. personality wise i'm insecure about if i'm annoying or not. physically my nose, my stomach, and sometimes my hair

5. what is my relationship status??

i'm single 😭 lmao. i've only ever dated one person and it was for 6 years and we broke up almost a year ago but i'm kinda ok with it now cause we're friends now and i think we are better friends than when we were together

6. how do i want to die?? 

lmao that's a weird question. anyways, um, painlessly. maybe of old age.

7. what did i last eat??

some sour gummy worms and i drank some coffee

8. played any sports??

i played soccer for 8 years i think. i quit to play volleyball which i still play. i've played for 3 years. i've also played basketball for 7 years. i quit since i'm going to high school

9. do i bite my nails??

nope. my best friend and sister does. 

10. when was my last physical fight??

never. i haven't actually ever been in a fight but i did wrestle my best friend over a book one time. it was fun. 

11. do i like someone??

besides my celeb crushes and fictional crushes, kinda. i still kinda like my exe but i think i'm slowly getting over him. 

12. have i stayed up for 48 hours before??

no, but i think i have stayed up for 24 

13. do i hate someone rn??

um yeah. this girl who bullied me a while back (don't worry it was like 2 years ago), one of my old friends, and alot of book characters

14. do i miss someone rn?? 

kinda. i miss my exe but not really. it's weird. i also miss my bestie since i have seen her in forever but i get to see her soon so yay!! i also miss some of my wattpad friends since i haven't talked to them in a while. and one of my wattpad friends that are gone 

15. have any pets??

two cats. one named cici and one named piper. two dogs named izzy and cornbread (we didn't name him. i also dislike him sm he gets in my nerves). i also have two rabbits named maxon (yes after maxon schreave) and molly.

16. how am i feeling at the moment??

good. kinda hungry lmao

17. ever made out in a bathroom?? (i literally did not notice this question 💀)

no. plain no. i haven't even had my first kiss 

18. am i scared of spiders??

nope. one of my best friends is terrified of them and so is my sister

19. would i ever go back in time??

heck yeah

20. last time i kissed someone?? 

literally never. unless you count my cat

21. what are my plans for the weekend??

weird question kinda but ok. i'm going to my best friends house then going to a volleyball camp 

22. do i want kids and if so how many??

i do want kids. i kinda want 3 maybe. i do technically have 2 kids lmaooo. it's a joke though. there are two girls who are 2 and 3 years younger than me and i always say they are my children every time i see them and one of them even gave me some ice cream once cause i'm her 'mother'

23. do i have any piercings?? how many??

i have my ears pierced. 

24. what are my best subjects??

history, math, and english 

25. do i miss anyone from my past??

um weird question again but idk. i don't miss any of my old friends but i do my ex. i also miss one of my wattpad friends that aren't here anymore

26. what am i craving rn?? 


27. have u ever broken someone's heart??

lmao no. i've only dated one person and he broke up with me. and no one else has ever asked me to date them or told me they liked me

28. have i ever been cheated on??


29. have i made a boyfriend cry??

nah. i don't think so anyway. if i have it would have been accidental 

30. what's irritating me rn??


31. does somebody love me??

i would hope so. my family and my friends do i hope.

32. fav color??

it's blue

33. do i have trust issues??

yeah kinda. but it's only a friendly kinda trust issue. like, my ex's sister who might as well be my sister since my sister is best friends with here and we basically call her our adopted sibling asked me truth or dare cause we were playing truth or dare and i said truth every time and she asked if i trusted her to say a dare and i told her no cause 1. she is sisters with my ex and 2. she's just like my sister and i literally don't trust my sis at all. 

ok. that's all. i kinda wanna do another one of these. i might. we'll see. anyways. bye y'all 

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