Chapter Four

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Harriet finally caught up to The Doctor outside the connecting church doors. The Time Lord was surprisingly quick, Harriet noting she wasn't out of breath like herself. Instead, she was scanning the doors with the Sonic.

"Doctor, are you sure this is a good idea? What if it's dangerous?" Harriet asked, watching The Doctor place her hands on the door.

"I'll have you know, danger is my middle name. It's not really but how cool would that be! Now, stay close to me. If I say run, then run and don't look back." The Doctor replied, sternly explaining to make sure she was understood. Harriet nodded in response, moving closer to the other women. The Doctor flashed a quick smile, took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

The church was mostly dark now, the sun no longer beaming through the stain-glassed windows. A few spotlights, previously used to highlight the artwork, remained working despite a few of them now being scattered on the floor. The pew benches had been piled up and rammed against a door at the opposite end; either to stop someone getting in or out.

The Doctor took a cautious step into the room, Harriet following close behind. The Time ord held her Sonic in front of her, scanning the room as she walked forwards. The whirring noise was the only thing to be heard, along with their footsteps echoing. 

"I'm getting a signal in the corner." The Doctor whispered, pointing towards the pile of benches. "Hello? Is someone there? We don't mean you any harm." She called out. Something in the corner shifted, causing the pair to freeze. The Doctor held a finger to her lips. Harriet nodded in acknowledgement, her heart racing. The shuffling noise continued, a shadow starting to grow against the wall. "Harriet, be ready to run. I won't have you getting hurt." 

"I'm fine, Doctor.  Just don't do anything stupid and get us killed. Please."

"I would never." The Doctor replied, almost offended by the remark. "OI! WE'RE OVER HERE!" She shouted, manically waving her arms around while jumping up and down. 

"For God sake, what are you doing?!" Harriet hissed, watching The Doctor wide-eyed.

"Getting its attention. YOO HOO! Come out, come out wherever you are!" She continued to yell. The mysterious figure began to move towards them, stepping into the limited light. Harriet gasped in shock at the sheer size of the creature. She stumbled back a few steps, her foot colliding with something on the floor. Harriet whipped round, finding the body of the elderly man from earlier. His eyes were wide open, starring straight at Harriet. His skin was now covered in blotches of purple rashes, white liquid leaking from various boils that raised from the skin. 

"Oh my God!" Harriet let out a scream, causing The Doctor to clamp her hand over Harriet's mouth.

"Shhhhh, Harriet it's okay. Look at me, don't look down at him. Focus on me, it's alright." The Doctor rushed, trying to get the human to calm down.

Harriet tore her eyes from the corpse on the floor to look at The Doctor. She quickly looked behind her, eyes wide in fear, at the figure looming ominously. "Doctor." She whispered, her heart thumping in her chest at high speed.

"What?" The Doctor quickly looked behind her, nodding with a smile at the alien before looking back at Harriet. "Oh, I see. Now would be a good time for you to run away as we agreed." 

"I'm not leaving. What if you end up like him on the floor? All dead and blotchy."

"I promise not to get dead and blotchy. Now, will you please leave?" The Doctor insisted, lightly shaking Harriet's shoulders. A sound came from behind, the mixture of a growl and hiss. "Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation here?" The Doctor tutted, turning back to the alien. It hissed once more, flicking its forked tongue out at the women, who both jumped backwards. 

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