~Part 10~

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Todoroki's P.O.V

I feel myself get put down on something soft but am too comfortable to wake up fully, I feel something or someone next to me, their warmth making me want to cling to it which I did, making myself warmer and drifting into a deeper sleep, only focused on being warm and comfortable.

"Where are you going? We aren't allowed to go out! You'll get hurt, no please please don't leave me alone here!"

"Sorry Sho, i'll come back for you some day I promise..."

I get pat on the head and watch as my big brother leaves through the window of our room with nothing but the key chain I made for him, the hope he doesn't get caught and brought back to the hell hole they live in or killed, also that his little brother stays okay by the time he comes back for him which that time never came...

I wake up jolting and gripping tightly onto the warmth of the thing i'v been clinging to throughout the memories from my childhood, watching my older brother leave me and never come back like he promised, the devastating memory flooding my mind making salty tears fall from my eyes and into the shirt of the blonde werewolf I was holding onto mumbling, "Please...please..."

Bakugous P.O.V

I feel half 'n half grab onto my shirt tightly waking me up from my slumber, looking down at him who pulled himself closer to my chest and I could feel a wetness on my jacket and come to the conclusion he was crying. I sat up pulling him onto my lap and letting him bury his head into my shoulder weeping. I just rub his back whispering soothing things into his ear trying to calm him down and warming up my hand which he seemed to like because he calmed down a bit and leaned into the touch, so I kept rubbing his back with my warmed hand, "Uh...you okay Sh- Half 'n half?" I say almost calling him by his real name damn it...this vamp bastard is making me soft, "I-its nothing i'm fine..." he says sniffing and taking his head from my shoulder wiping his eyes on his sleeve, "Its warm..." he mumbles rolling his sleeves, 'Guess he isn't used to hot things, heh hes gonna melt if he stays with me too long,' I think to myself jokingly and watch Half 'n half take off his shirt, exposing his extremely pale skin along with all the scars that cover it, I don't know what makes me do it but I reach and drag my finger across one going down his chest, his face flushes at that and I see a tiny flicker of fire on his head, "You have fire and ice?" I ask and he slowly nods, "So you're Icyhot now-" I stop quickly thinking 'I just called the bastard hot...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I don't care right now we need to get up,' I move Icyhot off me and grab clothes throwing them at the half 'n half vampire, making him fall over not expecting it. I change myself and turn around seeing him changed and on fire blushing, "Heh Icyhot cant take it," I say jokingly and turn back around grabbing the collar I took off putting it back on and grabbing the other boys hand pulling him up back outside.

3rd P.O.V

The ash blonde and two toned boys walk out to immediately run into the green ghost boy Midoriya who was mumbling as usual and writing in a journal, "Move it Deku!" Bakugou yells making the hand he wasn't holding onto Todoroki with light up with explosions, "Wah! Sorry Kacchan!!" Midoriya yells frightened and rushed off to the others, almost dropping the journal in his hands, "Bakugou you didn't have to be that mean to Midoriya," Todoroki tells him making the ash blonde boy growl and huff, taking Todoroki into the woods and jumping into a tree after letting go of his hand, which the other boy follows perching up on a branch higher than him. Todoroki wraps his legs around the branch falling forward to make himself hang upside down, his hair dangling in front of the werewolves face, "You're going to get sick idiot," he says to the upside down vampire, "I did this a lot as a kid I think i'm good, oh yeah I grabbed the fairy thing," the vampire says taking the ocarina out of his pocket and playing it to which makes Bakugou roll his eyes and take it from him, "You'll attract attention stupid Icyhot half 'n half bastard," Todoroki chuckles "Both nicknames wow," he comes down sitting next to the blonde and leaning against him calmly.

Wooo there we go another chapter now TwT more fluff and sad Todo childhood stuff yayy hope you enjoy, love y'all have a good day/night bye bye! <3

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