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"Third person pov"

It was a rainy night, the roads are muddy the blond girl always hated riding in carriages, as she would always bump to the side and the other side.

'so this is the time were those bastards assassinate me, how ironic'

The blond haired girl thought.
she clearly knew that the carriege isn't heading in the Agriche mansion, wasn't she afraid?

Its been one years since she was sent to die to a separated place in the mountains owned by the Agriche, it was a place where unnecessary children where throw off too but to her luck she was the only one, there other than the monsters she escape

*Sigh* a soft sigh escape her lips,

The blonde just stared at the carriege window emotionless not caring about anything. When the carriege came to halt she quickly sit straight taking her leaning head on the window off
Her lips form into a smirk "i guess it's time" the girl said looking at the door waiting for it to open

The way to protect the female lead's older brother


The assasin was trembling in pain his right arms were missing, he was laying in the ground. Estrella's crystal eyes gleam darkness, her porcelain skin tainted with blood

"You're noisy any last words before I send you to hell?"

The white haired girl said while looking down at the assasin


the assasin beg the girl to let him live, but that made her more annoyed

"Have mercy huh? Did you have mercy on me when you try to kill me, If someone else is in my position they would have been dead a seconds ago"

The girl said in annoyed, the man knew the girl wouldn't let him go. Estrella move her eyes to the place. It was filled with blood and body parts.

"This is a mess"

She said, while she was looking around the assasin tried to crawl out hoping he can make the forest alive but his hope where destroy when a tiger appear out of knowhere, the tiger was big the tiger lick his mouth while looking at the assasin,

"Phoebe kill him" estrella muttered, as the poor man tried to crawl but unable too due to the pain


'how amusing'

"Do you know that when you tried to assassinate an Agriche you need to be prepared for the consequences."

She took a pause before her lips were curled into a mischievous smile

"No one probably told you that it takes a while for a genius to kill a genius"

Estrella's blond hair flow in the air as her clothes where soaked in water, washing away all the blood stains

The assasin widen his eyes at the girl's words and tried to talk, but before he could the tiger already take a jump and feasted on his head

the beast growled wildly while enjoying his meal. Estrella who stared at the sky close her eyes before taking a breath

The animal looked at her master before jumping to her side rubbing it's head on her hands

Estrella look at him with a smile before petting it.

"Why don't we pay my family a surprised visit"

*At the Agriche mansion*

"M- my lady!"

The door opened revealing the woman's maid, who almost fell in the floor from running

Sierra who was sitting in her room jolted from the sudden, she looks at her maid with worry before coming up to help her

"Did something happen"

"M- my lady her lady astrella is back!!"

The maid informed making Sierra's eyes wide

Estrella........Estrella's back???

"Lady sierra wait!"

The woman didn't hesitate as she quickly left the room looking for her daughter

"My baby"

The woman's steps where fast, as she didn't even notice droplets of water where flowing out from her eyes

With every steps the woman take she could feel her heart beating so fast that it would jump out of her chest, even some servants in her wing was confuse on what's happening to make their lady act like that, nevertheless it was rare so see her at this day as she refuse to go out of her room


Sierra who didn't realize she was out of breath stop in her tracks her blue eyes meeting with crystal ones

there Infront of her stood a young lady with platinum blond hair that past her waist, with captivating crystal eyes Estrella her daughter

The older women quickly embrace the young girl Infront of her

"M- my baby oh god estrell-"

The woman couldn't finish her words as tears started dripping from her eyes

Estrella who didn't know how to react just hug her so called 'mother'

the way to protect the female lead's older brother حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن