Prologue: Mother told me

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"Winnie! Winnie!" Sara came running into the closet that Winnie had staked out as her own when she was just a little girl. Now she was thirteen, and quite a pretty girl. She didn't smile much though because of her large front teeth. Her fiery red hair and green eyes were like those of her father's. Now her red head was bent over one of her mother's books about growing a garden of magickal ingredients. She had just reached the part about spilling blood on the soil to help grow the seeds from the hell forests when Sara danced into the closet like the foolish eleven year old she was. Winnie was jealous of her beauty. So was Mary. But at least Winnie had gotten most of, if not all of the brains, and was quite witty. Mary was any excellent cook with an excellent memory and an extremely strong body. And Sara had a fair voice, fair hair,and an extremely fair face.
Their mother possessed all of these qualities and more. She always told them that these qualities would grow in them each day, until they were the fairest in the land. She also believed that their father had only left her with three blessings, and their names were Winifred, Mary, and Sara Sanderson.
"What did she say Sara? And Will you stop that foolish dancing? You'll shake the house down!"
Sara froze immediately. She was a soft hearted young girl who thought Winnie knew everything. Her main desire in life was to have fun. Her other desire was to be near boys. Sara had first been held by her father, and then her godfather, who Winnie had heard was the devil himself. She loved being near boys and children. Once mother took the girls to the village for flour and sugar and other things like that. She had let the girls wander off. Winnie sat on a large rock with her eyes glued to a storybook while Mary sat next to her, looking at recipes and occasionally taking time to bark or growl at passerby or stray cats. Sara had danced along a path until she came to a barn, where she found some other small children playing games and singing, Three girls and three boys. Sara joined them and began singing her favorite song to them. The girls sat down on the ground and stared at her, bewitched, while the boys came and sat down next to her on a hay bale. She held their hands and gently touched their faces as if they were precious, delicate treasure,and to Sara that was what they were. Then their mother came and found Winnie and Mary, who led her to the beautiful, singing Sara. She was still bewitching her new friends. Mother gently but firmly told her to stop at once because it was time to leave. Sara cried softly and hugged each of the girls goodbye, and touched the boys faces gently once more. Then they left. Since Sara kept sniffling, mother let her pick the song they sang that night around the fire place, even though it was Winnie's turn. Winnie didn't mind much, But She really had wanted to sing the one about,
"On this night when the moon is round, all my sisters gather round. mortal folks who fail to hide, will be trapped forever inside."

Now that same winnie looked up in annoyance at Sara.
"Well?" She grumbled.
"Mother said one day we shall all be witches!"
Winnifred's eyes flashed excitedly. The idea of power mage her heart race and her breath catch in her chest.
"Truly, Sara?"
"Yes! She said Mary would be strong, you would be wise, and I would be beautiful! Boys shall adore me!"
"Supper my darling kittens!" Called their mother. "Mary helped me make soup!"
"Soup!" Cried Sara and Winnie in unison.
"Our special family recipe!" Called Mary.
Winnie was feeling quite happy now. She rose to her feet and linked her arm with Sara's.
"Well, Sara," said Winnie cheerfully, "you are already pretty, may is already strong, and I am already wise, therefore we shall be the most powerful witches in the world! Nothing can stop us!"
And with an evil cackle, they danced down to dinner.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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