The Practice Test

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"So will this game of yours work?" The doctor asked skeptically as the other took his seat beside him once more, shooting the other another devilish grin

"I believe even you have been equipped with enough information as of now, you are quite an intelligent doctor,"

"A compliment? From you? I think you're bluffing,"

"When have I not been a doctor? But truly I wish to help you and I believe this little game will work. I have so much confidence I'll say this..." Julian looked over to the other again as the other stared ahead at the frozen scene, a little diagonal of him. Garak rested his elbows on the chair and brought his fingers together, resting his chin on those fingers as if thinking out his words carefully.

"I bet after you after this test run with the game in motion you will complete the real test with no problem," Julina raised an eyebrow.

"So bold of you Garak, You must have a lot of confidence in your mind games," Garak chuckled and gave a sideways glance from his current resting position with his grin.

"Indeed, no true Cardassian lets their mind games-as you call them-slip," Julian smirked just as quickly as the others had been moments ago. Also, he noted the other hadn't quite grasped the proper way to use the new words given to him.

"What are we betting Garak? Assuming you trust me to try my best on the final test,"

"I don't think you'll cheat doctor if that's what you're implying, you don't seem like the type especially since not a moment ago I was chastised by you for the implication,"

"I suppose...but you still haven't answered," The doctor looked to the other expectantly as Garak merely stared off doing the not blinking deep thought Julian always found a little odd. It was nice to know though that he was able to spot these little quirks of the other, he liked to believe Garak was less guarded around him even if it was completely false. 

But Julian had to indulge himself in at least a few of Garak's lies occasionally otherwise it was no fun. Garak hummed softly and listed his chin up from his resting position, looking teasingly to the other.

"Dinner, loser pays," Julian smiled, that seemed simple enough. It reminded him a lot of the bets he made at the academy. Taking all of his drinking buddies out for a fancy dinner surely cost more than it would to indulge the tailor...that is if he lost which he didn't plan on doing in the slightest. Of course, he would try his best but he could see through the other's mind games so often his skill must have gotten better.

"Alright, deal," He would have shaken on it but Garak didn't ever return a handshake when it was offered to him. Another little quirk he thought he noticed in the other.

"Let's get this underway then, may I do the honors?" Garak inquired while smiling. Julian could practically feel the other's delight in a little friendly competition. 

Julian didn't mind it so much either, he would be more alert than ever in his life if it meant getting to see Garak lose a bet to him. That victory itself was sweet on its own without the free dinner. Julian nodded to the other and sat up more in his spot.

"Computer, resume program," Garak spoke to the computer, setting everything back into motion. Julian quickly found where the energy signature for a possible stealth ship was.

"Ensen Kalla, all stop. I'm going to need Mrs. Varus to look over this data. We have a possible cloaked ship. I'm going to be needing to hear a few suggestions," A solid choice, one he had been thinking about making all while talking to Garak during their pause. 

Take a moment to stop and make a plan of attack. Varus walked by and grabbed the PADD from Bashir's hands that had the possible cloaked ship for further analysis. It didn't hurt to have a fresh set of eyes on it as well even though the possibility was rather strong. 

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