Chapter 1 continues

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Then the wolf started to talk right after the crow in a sweet and caring voice " We will make sure that you two are in safe arms on no matter what. If you guys accept then we will become your butler and maid but also there is a catch we will take your souls once you guys are done with your goal...." The crow said " Yes on what she have said. So do you two accept on the deal?" The twins look at each other and sighed at the same time then look back at the two demons and said that the same time but in a bored tone " Yea sure we guess as much..." Both of the demons look at each other and rise an eyebrow the look at the twins and said" what do you mean you guess as much? " Violetta look that them and said" Well think about the facts..One no one came for us expect you two.Second we kinda figured because on the hatred that we have summon you two... Third is you two are demons and on that they eat is human souls.. If you even ask about this on how we both know on how demons need human souls to stop the cravings on feeding on other demon prey..Let's just say that we know an idiot that has a demon butler and is doing the same thing to the human that we are talking about.." With that Ciel just nod on agreeing with his twin and smirks while looking at the two demons. Both demons were super shock on the information that they just found out but they didn't let them see is but in reality they were both impressed that the girl knew so much on their kind. The twins look at them and chuckled and said"Well are you going to make a contract with us or not..." The crow demon was wearing high-heeled stiletto boots, having sharp claws, glowing fuchsia irises, slit pupils, and longer, sharper teeth, with dark wings.Then the crow changes into the 'human' version of himself.He has black raven hair and his crimson eyes.His clothes was a red and black iris around is neck.His clothes are black tight shirt with a black hoodie ,black skinny jeans with red belt  and black shoes.  The wolf demon changes into the 'human' version of herself.She has black hair that is always in a long ponytail and having her red eyes and she wear a black and red iris in her hair and a band that goes across her forhead. Her.Her clothes are black wolf fur draped over her shoulders, a necklace, black fur skirt, red wedge heels , and red and black armor.

~Until next chapter~Saku3452~

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