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Repartee has been defined as saying what you think after becoming a departee; saying as quick as a flash what you didn't say until next morning. Everyone, at one time or another, has had occasion to echo the familiar lamentation:

          Backward, turn backward,
              0 Time, in your flight,
     I've just thought of a wisecrack
               I needed last night!..

How often have you felt the need at a given moment for a whimsical wisecrack or a waggish quip to put a spark in your conversation? Why be caught with your gags down? You can't win in a battle of wits unless you are properly armed with a repertoire of rapid-fire repartee, a capsule caricature, a salty sally, or a snappy comeback....

The breezy one-liner,
gets your point across in headline form in this age of high speed, sums up a situation in a nutshell, and add~ attention-winning punch to your comments.....

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