Sick Every Month?!

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Ugh!! Do you guys know how it's like to be freaking sick like EVERY MONTH! 0_0, Like EVERY HOLIDAY, I'M SICK! 0_0

You're all like "Huh?"

I was:

Sick on November

On New Years December 31st, 2014-January 1st, 2015 ~ I was PUKING! 0_0...ON FREAKING NEW YEARS EVE! WHILE I WAS WITH FAMILY! OUT OF STATE!

Valentine's Day- Sick

All of February i was sick, i was sick for like a month and a week, so all of February and the first week of March -_-

My temp. Is ok now, but i feel terrible -_- ehhh, i hate being sick!!

Skit(just to see if i can make you have some fun in this terrible, sad and disappointing chapter):

-Christmas Eve Morning-

Friend: Hey bro! Want to come and meet us at Olive Garden for Christmas Eve?

Me: Hmmm, well it's a holiday, hmmm, i need blankets, jackets, soup, an ice pack, a bed, hmmm let's see, cough syrup, a doctor, maybe a prescription, and a doctor note

Friend: Eeeesh, nevermind, hope you feel better

Me: -_- *goes to bed, wakes up next morning on Christmas day with a sore throat, feels sick the rest of the day and ends up on the couch surrounded by tons of tissues* Ughaaa!!

~The End~


Holidays just love making me feel horrible :''((

If anyone ever invites me anywhere on a Holiday, cross your fingers and hope i am not sick, tho most likely i am...-_- :''''((((((

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