Dark Flame

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Nerdcore Name: Dan Bull

Teams: Shielded Nation, Arcane Wings, Northern Lights

Position: sidelines

Energy Projection= 5

Strength= 4

Durability= 3

Fighting Skill= 4

Speed= 3

Agility= 2

Powers: After being caught in the crossfire during the Battle of Manchester Port in 2014, Dan received powers. He can control the amounts of basic elements in his body and is able to fuse them. This requires immense amounts of heat and releases immense amounts of energy. With aid from custom gauntlets designed and made by WildCard and Poison Dart, Dan can harness the energy from the fusions and direct it towards opponents.

Allies: Chairman, Shielded Nation, Arcane Wings, Northern Lights, The Hunter, Alpha Corps.

Foes: Doom's Alliance, Red Army, The Vipers, Wanderer

WoC: custom gauntlets, bo staff, pistol, throwing knives

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