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I gathered up the courage to make the call the next morning. Sadly, it wasn't my first time making this call.

"Miss Simons." My landlord was already starting this call off with a sour tone to his voice.

"Good morning, Mr. Williams." I started to run through all of the outcomes of this call in my head. The likelihood of me coming out of this unscathed was very low.

"I hope you're calling to tell me that you'll deposit rent today." His tone was nearly mocking.

I took a deep breath. "I only need a couple more days. I was let go from my job yesterday and I'm only seventy pounds short. I just need to wait for my last paycheck to come in."

Deafening silence overtook the line. I could hear the click of a pen as he began to speak. "Miss Simons, this isn't your first offense. I've tried to be as lenient as I can with you, but this is the last straw. I need a check written by the end of the day or I'll be left with no choice."

I felt my chest tighten in a panic. "Please, I only need a few more days. I can give the rest to you today, but I-"

"My decision is final." He cut me off. "I need the money by the end of the day. I'm not spending any time arguing with you on this."

I was about to start up again, but he ended the call. I didn't know why I expected any kindness from him. His pity on me was spent. I wasn't a disruptive resident; I never caused any damage, but I was a problem. I was a problem from the moment my application was accepted.

I wouldn't have even been living in the building if I'd had any other choice. It was just the only building I could find that accepted applications on such short notice. Mr. Williams made his living off of desperate people like me. It wasn't a very legally sound process, which was why I couldn't seek help when I was facing eviction. I couldn't even afford to seek help.

We'd all be without anyone to turn to and he'd offer us kindness. He'd accept nearly any application almost instantly as long as he had the room. He'd tell people not to worry about their initial deposit and then he'd take all of the money that they were making at minimum wage jobs, leaving barely enough for food.

It was a vicious cycle that I'd been stuck in for months simply because I had no time to look for somewhere else to live. All of my time was spent working and sleeping just to survive.

At least it was better than where I was before.

I felt like I was going to cry again. I didn't have any extra money. I didn't have anyone else to ask. I couldn't get a job and work long enough to earn seventy quid in less than a day.

My desperation was what lead me to open up my messages from last night.

I'll take the job. Idk how much you're planning on paying me, but I'll do however much work it'd take to get £50 if I can get the pay in advance

I'll send you £50
Can you be in Nottingham in like a week? I'll pay for the train ticket!!

I was definitely not expecting him to respond so quickly. I wasn't even sure if he was awake before he'd responded.

I'll need a bit more info than that


  The two hour train ride from London to Nottingham was a ride that I was extremely familiar with. I used to take it every moment that I could while my dad was alive. I'd come home on weekends and tell him everything about how university was going in the city. I dropped out after he died, but that hadn't really been my plan.

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