Drunken Love

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~Alastor's POV~
I anxiously awaited a response from Angel. I so badly hoped he would accept the offer. On the plus side, I hadn't seen Mimzy for awhile.
To pass the time before Angel responded, I laid down on my bed and read a book.
As I read the book I hadn't realized the position I had taken up.
I was resting my head on a fist, holding my top part up my elbow. My other hand was holding my book in front of me, one leg that was closest to the bed was stretched out while the other leg was bent and the foot was resting on the other leg. Surprisingly to me, this position was quite comfortable.
An envelope got passed under my door.
I got up and examined the letter. It was sealed shut normaly with a lipstick kiss where a wax seal would had normaly been placed. It smelt deeply of Angel.
I carefully opened the letter. In neat cursive, which I couldn't help but adore that every "o" looked like a heart, read;
Dear my lovely Deer,
I would be absolutely thrilled to join you on a calm outing. Time could be made for 8:00 tonight if it isn't too soon. Thank you very much for the offer!
A. Dust
I nearly squealed in excitement. I had never wanted to show this much excitement since I was thrown into the depths of hell!
I quickly ran to my wardrobe. I pulled out a dressy under coat and a flat crimson colored overcoat. I had a pair of crimson dress pants to match. I laid out the attire and checked the clock.
My excitement was flashed into anxiousness. If I didn't quickly get ready now I would be late! I ran to my bathroom to take a shower. Not a long one just so I could look fresh and not like I just woke up from a twenty year lasting slumber. As I was in the shower I heard a loud knock from the room's door. I heard a muffled voice. It was very quiet against the showers noise. My shower was just about finished anyway. I turned off the water and dried myself off. I threw a towel around my shoulders to cover myself up so whoever it was didnt have to see my scars. A few of my shoulder and neck scars were still visible but I didnt think it would matter. I called from my side of the door first.
"Who is it?" I shouted.
"Angel Dust!" The voice called back.
"O-oh! One second dear!" I checked my clock.
7:50, shit...
"Just getting ready dear!" I finally called back.
"Okay Al! Take your time! I'll just be in my room!" Angel informed me. I sighed in relief. I still had to hurry. I quickly threw on my clothes that I had laid out earlier. When it came to hair I wasn't the greatest. So what I always decided to do was slick my hair back and tie the rest of my hair in the back in a ponytail. This time I decided I would change it up for Angel.
I decided not to slick my hair back and leave my regular tuft of hair while still having a ponytail. With this particular dress coat, my tail stuck out. I knew it wouldn't matter to Mimzy or Angel Dust. I had finally gotten ready. One more thing, a bouquet. I just summoned some white roses. I was probably late anyway. I walked out of room and towards Angel's room.
I knocked on his door, butterflies erupting in my chest.
I tried to steady my breathing, but when the door began to open the beauty that stood before me took my breath away. Angel's outfit was astonishing. It was a white dress that had a skirt that came up to his knees with pink jewels lining the hems and seams if the dress. The sleeves of the dress stopped at the end of his shoulder to form cuffs. His dress still parted at the chest to show his puffed out fur.
"Al, you're starin' at me like ya wanna eat me." Angel joked.
I shook my head as if to clear it. "You look absolutely stunning, Angel..." I spoke in awe. I handed over the roses.
"I'd have to say the same about you, hot stuff. Give me a lil' twirl to show off the while outfit." He insisted. I had no clue what he meant by twirl, I just gave him a questioning look. "Like this-" He grabbed my arms and spun me around a few times before he stopped me and observed my back side.
"You have your tail out!! Ooooohh and your hair is tied up!" He shouted his findings. I giggled and turned back around, offering a hand out.
"Allow me to show the way to our date." I spoke in a "gentlemen" way.

"We better hurry, we don't want the others to catch us and ruin your reputation..." AngelDust teased. I laughed along with him.

"You already have, what have I got to lose Darling?" I jokingly poked fun if him. I hope I hadn't messed anything up. Personally I dont think I did because he laughed like he would have done otherwise.
We both successfully made it out the doors without anyone questioning why. Angel and I walked down the streets together, ignoring the stares we got from other demons. Eventually we made it to Mimzy's bar.
As I stepped through the doors with Angel following close behind me, I hardly noticed a short demon walking towards me. I only notice when I got a swing in the side.
"Oof!" I got the wind knocked out of me. "Oh, Mimzy!" I leaned down to give her a small hug.

"Quite a fancy seein' you here! You never use your get away sticks to drink some panther piss!" She joked using her favorite phrases.

"Now now Mimzy I'm not much of a whiskey man, you should know that! I enjoy my scotch!" I pointed out lazily.

We both laughed before I realized I should introduce Angel to Mimzy. I turned to look at Angel, who was getting uncomfortable just standing there. I gently grabbed his hand and lead him to stand beside me.
"Mimzy, there is someone I would like you to meet. I hold him so incredibly dearly." I looked into Angel's eyes.

"That's yur' boyfriend? Isn't he that one slutty spider?" Mimzy commented. That got me pissed. I tried my best to hold in all of the anger.

"Mimzy dear, I assure you, he is not as he seems to you. We just wish to have a nice date at your bar." I stated plainly. Mimzy nodded and lead us to an empty table. I allowed Angel's to sit where he wanted first and I sat in the opposite side

"So...Al, you never denied it when your friend over there assumed we were dating." Angel pointed out mildly. Before answering I gave a hearty chuckle.

"Well my dear, would you consider this a date?" I questioned him. But just as he was about to answer, a waitress came by to serve us.

~Angel's POV~
I was going to agree with Alastor when a woman, I had to assume she was a waitress, walked up to our table with a pad in hand. She had a flirtatious look to her face when she looked at Alastor but a disgusted, distant face when she looked at me. I couldn't help but scowl. She served Alastor first.

"Hello! I'm Pollie, I will be your server today!" She looked mainly to Alastor when addressing both of us.

"Fine and dandy as ever dear!" Alastor offered no further conversation, unlike the radio demon to hate a good chat.

"What do you want, drag show." Her voice turned a bit more raspy. I turned to look at Alastor, who was now grabbing his staff so tightly that I thought it was going to break. He tapped her on the shoulder to get her to face him once again.

" I would like a mug of scotch. When I see that drink arrive I shouldn't expect you to be carrying it." Alastor was now standing nose to nose with the waiter, holding his hand out for me to grab, I took it. Now I was standing next to him. "Oh, and something fruity for my boyfriend..." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close.

The waitress walked away.

I was so confused but it felt so right... I turned to Alastor, "Boyfriend." I echoed.

He chuckled "That is what I said, yes." He spoke so confidently. He pulled a coin from his suit pocket and pointed to a jukebox that was near their table. "Want to dance the swing with me dear?" He said with a passionate wink. Even with confidence, when he was speaking with me, he always seems a bit awkward. I nodded and he pulled me to where the jukebox was located. He popped a few coins in the slot and scanned the buttons until he found one of interest.
I noticed his tail moving in ways that made it looked like he was excited. It was odd to me. He was excited.
"A here's one!" The button read, Ain't she sweet.

"Oh! I know that one!" I exclaimed.

[ Author's note:
Hehehe, another cliffhanger. Also sorry for the tremendous wait!
As for that, my dear readers,
Stay tuned...]

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