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"I have hidden." PPeater said, "they'll never find me here..."

Grammerly🐮 cleared his throat have gave a puzzled look.

"Okay good" Amanda🐮 signed in relief.

"I can hear them" PPeater paused, "but I've shrunken down to a side that I can fit in drains" he paused again but longer this time, "they'll never predict my next move"

After a long silence, PPeater returned.

"I just fought off 7 6'8 fully armed grown men" PPeater said, not a scratch being visible.

"Wow!!" Grammerly🐮 exclaimed.

"Ha..... they'll never beat me...." PPeater said, slightly out of breath.

Grammerly🐮 cleared his throat, "I have a confession..." he paused, "I am the government...."

PPeater was taken aback.

"What!?!!?!!?!!,!?!!?!?!?!,!?!?!!,!?!,!,!!," PPeater yelled and gasped.

"I know your secrets, PPeater. You cannot hide from us forever..." Grammerly🐮 smiled evilly.

" this can't be....."

Grammerly🐮 stepped closer, "we are here, PPeater. We know all."

"I cannot believe this..." PPeater was in shock.

"You can run, but alas, you can not hide. Living in doubt is something nobody should do. Accept the truths." Grammerly🐮 stated.

"T-the betrayal.... How dare you...,,,, I thought,,....... I thought we were comrades!!" PPeater said sadly

"You thought wrong" grammerly🐮 looked at PPeater as he fell on his knees.

"I have been.... Defeated....." PPeater puts his head in his hands.

Grammerly🐮 steals PPeaters bladder and lungs and grabs the rope hanging from the airplane above and climbs and escapes.
"Nooooooo!!!!!" PPeater yelled and had a fit and kicked and screamed.

"P-PPeater... it's okay... we'll meet again.... In another life....." Amanda🐮 the girl boss says with a sad sad sad look.

"Whatever shall I do.... Goodbye.... My "friends..." PPeater said, defeated.

Grammerly🐮 waves goodbye with an accomplished smile on his face as his eyes are looking elsewhere but we cannot tell because he is wearing fbi sunglasses as the airplane flys into the sun and he dies tragically.

A single tears streams down PPeaters face as he closes his eyes slowly and dramatically.

His lungs and blatter were burnt to a crisp when the airplane flew into the sun.

"And with that, the government has worked for nothing" Amanda🐮 says, frowning.


"What an amazing movie!" PPeater stands up and claps.

Grammerly🐮 claps as well but it's louder and more dramatic and tears up because the movie was rlly emotional.

Amanda🐮 claps 3 times slowly.

PPeater coughs awkwardly.

"Wow... truly a cinematic masterpiece..." grammerly🐮 said with a tear screaming down his face and gets COVID and dies.

"I agree.... This was.... The..... the best thing..... I've ever seen....." PPeater says and walks away.

They all go out of the movies and live a happy life ok bye

The story of PPeaters blatter and lungs: TragetyWhere stories live. Discover now