I like you...

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I can't help but shake while walking to his car,
I never thought this day would come. Me and mason going to prom...together...as dates. "Mason you look, perfect." "Thanks I think." He said smiling I couldn't help but giggle as that came out wrong. I should probably go sit in the car. Shouldn't he offer to open the door instead of sitting in the seat? That's a bit odd.

20 mins later,
We haven't spoken a word to each in ages. We have arrived though I think. So that's good. As he pulls in the parking I get goosebumps, like someone is watching me that wasn't mason. Its weird how I have goose bumps. It is July. But I guess london weather isn't so hot.
I don't think anyone's going to expect mason to have me as his date, he's too good. But here goes nothing. Declan's looking at mason like a, I don't know how to say it, a proud dad? I start walking over to Declan as mason follows me. "Hey y/n! I love to see that your here! Especially with mason!" Dec says in a very happy mood. He must have had a few shots before we arrived. "Your table number is 3!" "Thanks dec." Why's there a man staring at me? It's probably nothing. Maybe he's thinking how my dress is nice, or probably ugly. Sitting down for a while and looking at mason is nice. But he's starting to look a bit bored. "Mase, why don't you go dance? I would love to see some moves!" "Haha ok, do you want to have this dance with me my lovely date?" OMGGGG he's making me blush like crazy! *he grabs your hand and takes you to the dance floor* "YOU CAN DANCE YOU CAN JIVE HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE OOOOOO" shouting that out loud and singing that while looking in masons eyes is very pleasing. I can't wait to see what the next song is! The person who made this playlist was very smart! Oml, maybe not so smart. SLOW DANCE MUSIC?!?! WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? Mason gives me the *do you wanna do this?* look, I mean I can't say no, I just can't! I'll give him the *why not* look. While looking into his eyes he grabs on to my waist. The perfect grip, the perfect place. I put my arms around his neck as we dance. "We should do this more often." I said jokingly. "We should." He said, not so jokingly. Why's he looking at me like that like he wants to make out with me? To be honest I think I'm giving the same vibes.

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