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Content Warning (and also kinda trigger warning): Horribly Severe Thunderstorms.

Astraphobes (including myself) beware.


Thunder shook the whole block. Yuta's heart raced faster and faster. He feared things like this. He always hated storms. No one else around him did, however. They loved them, and couldn't understand why he didn't like them.

It's cause they-


It's cause they were killing machines. Lightning once struck a powerline by his house, and he's feared them ever since.

Lightning got increasingly more frequent.

Must be in the middle of the storm. The dead center.

He had texted his boyfriend, Jaehyun.

I'm scared
So scared

You'll be fine babe
I promise :)

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure

But if anything happens
I love you, Jaehyun
Always have. Always will.
Seen at 18:02

Suddenly, he heard a loud explosion-like noise. Then another. Just like when the powerline got struck.

Then he heard one from right above him.

Orange light. And lots of it. That's all he could see. And it was slowly burning up the stairs. There was only one door in his basement. It was old. Locked.

He frantically tried opening it.

"Please please please." He begged. It opened. He quickly ran outside. He looked up, not down. Not noticing his untied shoes. He tripped over the laces. He quickly tried to tie it.

He never finished.

The wind had forcefully picked up his neighbor's garden sheers and threw them at him. But unlike humans, the wind never misses.

They found him the next morning. Sheers lodged right into his head. Dried blood everywhere.

They informed Jaehyun, of which was inconveniently on vacation when this all went down. And they buried him a few days later.

Nakamoto Yuta
October 26, 1995 - August 17, 20XX
"Your Oppa is here"

Jaehyun soon moved on. He met someone else, fell in love, and the rest is history.

The End....

Or is it?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love you always,
Xiu Xiu

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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