Chapter 1-3《The First Time》

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One day, at VCOM High School, you see a very tall young man. You're very curious about him. You walk up to him asking, "Hello, I noticed you when I was walking to science class. I would like to be friends!" He looks quite interested to have a friend. He asks you, "Sure, meet me at lunch later on. I'll see you later! Oh! Wait! Before you go, here's my twitch if you have it." You blush a little. He noticed your face was quite red. He then asks you, "Are you ok? Sorry if you can't see my face. I hide it because of a illness. Sorry about that." You then become curious about what he looks like, but you know he wont let you see his face. You walk away being embarrassed. You then notice you're very short. Now you're blushing even more.

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