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Experiment#2546 Codename: San Francisco. A place made as an experiment. Named after the old time city before we were pushed to the brink of extinction however seeing the photos of the actual San Francisco the replica looks nothing like it and it's very worrying but the experiment along with its inhabitants have been abandoned and looking at the photos of the place it has been decaying at an incredibly fast rate. I don't know how long ago we abandoned the experimental city but I do remember why. The inhabitants, the stamens and pistils, refused to do anything papa told them and have repeatedly used violence whenever we have tried to force them with soldiers needless to say none of the men we have sent have made it back. They also had guns used before the collapse where they found or made them. We have no idea but they are not friendly. Inhabitants before being abandoned also had a weird obsession and word saying tagged a specific building we still have no idea what they meant by that. Inhabitants also became extremely vulgar with language and actions however they were completely how we meant to make them with a few side effects of course. ----Dr.Franxx

Extra note on Experiment#2546: Papa sent another military presence however this was more of a subjugation squad. A big military flag ship was sent to the location the flagship was taken from our control and a single photo was recovered from the area not even the bodies of the subjugation squad were seen or found. All that we got was the images from the flagship and it was this.

It seems they had formed this as a way to rebel against papa however we have no idea where they are now since they took our flagship and went somewhere off the radar

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It seems they had formed this as a way to rebel against papa however we have no idea where they are now since they took our flagship and went somewhere off the radar. However we are confident in our systems updates and feel it is invincible. Keep a close eye on squad 13 DedSec as they call themselves might try to make contact with them. We have told Nana to watch for any electronics that they can get a hold of. ----Dr.Franxx

Then there was a mechanical chuckle along with a bunch of people fist bumping and drinking to the success of still being in Papa's system even after the update. A woman can be seen slamming back a beer and she can be seen wearing a large purple veil-like hood over her head. She owns a gray oversized sweater with patches on the back of it representing a skull, showing her orange bra. Her shirt reads "Tales Of The Future Horrific Web Of Doom!". She wears denim shorts, high black and white socks that stretch up to her knees, with skulls on them, each sock's color being the opposite for the other one. She has flashy blue and green eyeshadow to go along with her that flow into a ponytail; She also has her nose pierced, and wears a small titanium nose ring through her Septum. Next we see a weird looking man. He is a slim, average height man. His appearance is mainly inspired by punk rock culture. His clothing consists of a black spiked leather mask with an LED visor, a spiked vest with attached patches and pins, a black DedSec hoodie, ripped denim jeans, a red spiked bracelet, black strapped bracelets, and black studded leather sneakers. His mask and mechanical goggles appear to "blink" emotes and various eye expressions, and the mask features a voice modulator that gives his voice a more robotic tone. The goggles can also project multiple pixelated symbols and appear to be made of many small, square-shaped bulbs. He also has a series of tattoos on his arms influenced by Cyberculture. His vest shows a sewed patch inspired by the "y u no" meme on the right side, and an "anarchy" symbol tattooed on his neck. We see another man drinking water standing awkwardly to the side. He can usually be seen with a black beanie, green hoodie, off-white button-up shirt and jeans. He wears a yellow key around his neck (what it unlocks is unknown) with his green-yellow-ish sneakers to match. He has short black hair and eyebrows, and very light stubble on his face. A man can be seen trying to dance to the music. He typically wears a black sweater under a dark blue jacket, with dark pants and light boots, as well as a small shoulder bag for his gear. He covers his face with a "DeDSec" hat, bandana, and shades, and under them has a soul patch and light mustache.

???: C'mon Josh, celebrate and have a beer.

Josh: No thanks I would rather have water. I also don't know why we had to drop off Viper at that plantation thirteen you and Markus still haven't told me or Wrench what he's doing there.

???: C'mon trust me josh we know he can handle himself and you'll know tomorrow.

Josh: I still don't trust it Sitara . What if he gets in trouble like he did with blume?

Sitara: He's learned since then, have a little faith in him.

???(VC): Yeah C'mon Josh don't be such a nervous. What's the saying again?

???: It's don't be such a nervous nelly wrench and I get why Josh is scared we don't want to lose another friend but we sent him in fully prepared.

Josh: If you think Viper will be fine then I will have to trust you Markus.

Markus: Well let's see where he is now ah smart he hitched a ride on the things they use to go back to the garden. Too bad that's not where they actually go. Heh and of course this one is going to plantation thirteen.

The screen goes down and turns to black and then comes down from the sky seeing someone on a tall moving object watching as he gets closer and closer to plantation 13.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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