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"So father was like 'He got the record for you.' and when we went to collect it, turns out he actually got the whole album by the Dragon Conjurers," Tracey told Avery excitedly. Both girls had always loved music and it was one of the things they talked about a lot.

"That's great! I heard they just sold out," said Avery.

"Yeah. Anyways, thoughts on school?"

"Excited. Not sure what's going to happen this year. Heard there is something big going on," Avery said truthfully.

"Me too! Father says there's gonna be a big event going on," Tracey said, munching on the cookies she brought from home. Avery took one as well.

"We could ask Theo, he should know." Tracey nodded.

"Wonder if he's going to come here before we get to Hogwarts," Tracey wondered.

"Nah, he shouldn't be taking that long with his lot."

The two girls sat in comfortable silence for a while, munching on their cookies.

"It's crazy how we're in our fourth year, isn't it?" Avery spoke her mind out, thinking about the past years at Hogwarts.

"Yeah. We'll be out of here in about four more years, including this," Tracey said, doing calculations. Avery nodded.

"What are we going to DO? Like, I can't IMAGINE getting out of here, graduating..." The two thought for a while. "Damn, I can't imagine not being with you causing chaos everywhere."

Tracey looked over at Avery, she wasn't the kind that spoke about sad things. "Aww, Avieee!!!"

"Shut up. I'm not repeating myself," Avery pointed out. Tracey smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Well, we don't HAVE to part ways! We could.. live together? Or maybe close to each other?" Tracey suggested.

"Hmm... I guess. But where would you want to live? Hogsmeade? There isn't many Wizarding villages or anything like that," said Avery.

"We don't HAVE to stay in Wizarding villages or places, I guess." It was Avery's turn to look over at Tracey. "What? Don't look at me like that! I give GREAT ideas! You just make them rulebreaking," Tracey said defensively, making Avery laugh.

"So you're suggesting we live with Muggles?" Avery confirmed. Tracey nodded slowly.

"It'd be fun, wouldn't it? I mean, we're going to spend most of our lives stuck in traditional Wizarding families, following strict pureblood tradition..."

Avery nodded. This was entirely true. "Yeah, yeah you're right. We can live with muggles and see how it's like. It'd be fun, wouldn't it?" The two best friends smiled, Tracey nodded, giving confirmation.

Just then, the compartment door slid open. The two girls looked up.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The trolley lady had arrived.

"Five Chocolate Frogs, two packs of cookies, three bags of Roasted Chimera Potato Crisps and a jar of candy," Avery said automatically. Tracey nodded.

They paid for the snacks equally and thanked the lady.

"CHOCOLATE, OH MY SWEET BELOVED," Avery exclaimed dramatically, taking four Chocolate Frogs and putting them on her lap, then opening them.

Tracey smiled and gave a playful sigh. "You and your love for chocolates," she said, opening the jar of candy.

Avery shot her a playful glare, then sighed back. "You and your love for CANDY," the girl mocked. Tracey rolled her eyes and popped a candy into her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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