Story 2: The Woman who Weeps

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"She has long black hair to cover her face. Nails the size of talons. Teeth as red as the blood from her victims. Her skin is as pale as chalk." Jeremy explains as the campfire crackles in front of us.

"What do they call her?" I asked, fully invested in his story.

"The Weeper..."He waits for a response from me, eyes never waivers from my own.

"Isn't that the story where if you talk about it, she will awaken?" Nessa asks Jeremy with a look of anticipation.

"Thomas?" I look into her eyes. "Is it true?" Aleyah holds my arm tighter. If given the opportunity to go home, she would take it.

I kiss her forehead. "Don't worry babe, I'll protect you." I give her a reassuring smile, hoping that will comfort her. Her grip relaxes only a little.

Jeremy focuses his attention directly on Aleyah. "It's more than truth. I've heard that many people who've heard the stories ended up missing." He grins.

"Bullshit." Markus blurts out. Nessa nudges his arm. "Babe, come on, you can't really believe this shit." He laughs though, unamused.

Nessa narrows her eyes at him. "Well, do you have anything else better to tell?" Markus bites his lower lip but I can tell he has no other input. "Didn't think so."

The sky grows darker. The only ambient light source is from the campfire and Jessica's life force -- her cell phone. The entire time being out here, she has spent more time on that damn thing -- barely saying a word to us. It's like her damn eyes are glued to the damn thing.

"So, what's the story?" I ask. I hoped for him to tell it on his own... clearly, no one is as interested as I am. I find Jeremy staring off into the distance. Looks as if he's watching something.

"Are you ok?" Nessa, too, picked up on Jeremy's odd behavior. I'm an empath; which means I can pick up on people's emotions. From what I am feeling from him, isn't like his normal self.

It's as if he's woken from his daydream. "No." He looks to Nessa. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Aleyah chimes in. I feel the tension amongst us shift.

"He said he's fine." Markus answers for Jeremy. "Can everyone just stop stressing over nothing?" He crosses his arms.

"Markus." Nessa grunts under her breath.

Jeremy shakes his head. "No, he's right. Really, I'm ok." He looks to everyone. "Where was I?"

"The story of the weeper," I answer as if my life was depended on it.

He adjusts himself on the log next to Jessica. "Is everyone listening?" We all say yes in unison. He lightly nudges Jessica as she didn't answer.

Jessica briefly lifts her head from her phone. "Of course I'm listening babe, promise." Her attention drifts back into her cell.

Jeremy raises an eye. "Babe?" He crosses his arms with no response.

Nessa laughs. "You might as well continue." The flames flicker inside the fire pit as she points a finger at Jessica. "She's long gone." Jessica flips the bird with a quick smirk on her face. Nessa giggles, "I love you too, bitch."

Aleyah giggles. The same giggle I fell in love with. "Anyway," Jeremy speaks. "Once upon a time..."

"I know damn well this isn't a once upon a time bullshit." Markus interrupts him. Very rightly so. I didn't agree to come all the way out here in the middle of nowhere just to hear a bedtime story.

I heard this was Jeremey's idea to come here; though Nessa invited Aleyah, and of course she wanted me to come. But, it's strange. Why wouldn't Jeremey invite me personally? We've been best friends ever since we've jumped that bully in elementary school. We're freshmen in college now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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