Chapter 1

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He stumbles his way down the dark littered hallway, body shaking head to toe from nerves, disbelief and immense confusion. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out what has happened.

What is happening?

Where was everyone? Carl? Lori? Tears stung his eyes, where are you guys? I gotta get outta here!

His heart races even more as he hears commotion coming from the hallway around the corner. He can't hear talking, but he can hear movement. And That was not normal movement. More like sounds of a fight.

His eyes widen in horror as he watches a woman slice a sword clean through two peoples heads. Skull cap, brains, blood, flying one way, while the 2 bodies they belonged to, crumpled straight to the floor.

Jesus Christ this crazy woman just killed two people right in front of me. With a fucking sword! A SWORD! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! No! No! This has to be a nightmare. Has to be! Wake up ! Wake up! WAKE UP RICK!

He began backing up, slowly, quiet as possible, hoping she can't spot him in the dimly lit hallway. He should have peeked instead of walking fully in view, in the middle of the hallway. Fuck! Please don't see me! Please don't see me!

She was looking down on her work, admiring her work? Went on to flick the bits and pieces of gore, off her sword. Heartless bi-

"Umph." he exhaled, groaning as he realized he had collapsed to the floor.

He sat there, unmoving, his heart pounding in his ears. She was now advancing on him. Her sword ready to slash the top of his head off. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! He wanted to get up and run, but his strength...gone.

And then he saw them.

Three figures appeared from around the corner. Rick watched as these people were stumbling towards the woman. They reminded him of the drunks he had locked up in Kings County Jail to sleep it off.

But these people, something was wrong. Was he seeing things? One guy looked like he had a bone instead of his whole arm.

The smell.

The smell began to hit his nostrils. Decay. Death. He had seen his share of dead bodies, maybe not so much as a city cop would, but Kings County had had plenty of dead bodies.

He remembered Ole Tim Goggine, suffered a heart attack while fishing in the river behind his property. It had been almost 5 days from the last time he was known to have been alive. And when Rick and his partner arrived for a wellness check, they walked down to the river and found him. Ole Tim had bloated grotesquely, resembling nothing of the stoic faced, lanky yet sturdy 75 year old man he was in life. The smell was something that took Rick 3 months to completely scrub off his skin.

How could anyone who smells like that, having a bone jutting out, be...alive? What the fuck?! WAKE UP RICK! WAKE UP DAMN YOU!

He tore his eyes away from the 3 lopping figures, to her. Killer. She stood there studying him, her lips were moving, she was saying something? He hadn't even heard her.

"B-B-Behind. Behind you!" he rasped. His voice tight, throat still dry and scratchy.

In a flurry of motion, her sword sliced through the heads of all 3 people. Just like that. She once again flicked the sword, gore bits and blood splattering the wall.

Yeah. He was going to throw up. And he needed to get away from her. He used all his strength to turn himself to his knees, bent over, heaving. Nothing coming out. He took a few deep breaths before trying to get himself up, realizing the pain his hand was in, for the first time, noticing he was bleeding.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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