The Beginning

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Second Person Pov: "It was cold, oh so very cold" Uraraka Thought,The sky was so dark she could barely see in front of herself, but what was going on was so chaotic and so.. So obvious it didn't need sight. She didn't need to see to smell it. The blood. The smell was oh so potent, there was so much blood nowadays she didn't even rember any other colors. But red, Red, RED.

She looked up wearily, a dark figure haunted over her frail,yet shivering body"Have you come to finish me off aswell? The others were all I had left, you've taken my family, you've taken my friends. I've got nothing left, you might as well take me too" She couldn't cry she'd run out of tears long ago. As the mysterious figure peered (what-😃? Is that even right) down on her, as if judging her , seeing her as the gum they'd just scraped off they're shoe,they contemplated a response for a smile while before saying"You've got resolve I'll give you that, you've worked hard and lived long. Maybe not as long as you'd like, but long enough for my plans, now rest, it's the only thing you have left to do now."As the silence ticked slowly yet loudly, all that could be heard was a short gurgle and then. Silence. Complete silence. And nothing more.
Authors Corner go brrrr:
Haha. First official fic :) 🧍‍♀️ this is so bad and confusing but I promise I have a plot (maybe🤡)
{This was so bad but here's the first chapter. Any tips will be taken with stride and any hate will be ✨appreciated✨ because that just means your egg cartons raised you wrong [birth giver, egg deliverer whatever you call your parents]and your just a lil misguided}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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