twist deku traitor au

22 1 1

How about a traitor au spice

So UA is so paranoid about the traitor that deku is bullied or ignored by all of class 1A (i heard something at the foot of my bed send help) then the l.o.v (oh god it's back) realize bakugo has to much a ego, hero complex to be a villain, so to midobro they go for the  childnap .once they find out ab the class vibe towards him, they start acting like family [pretend or real you decide] to em'. after awhile *most* of class UA forgets about him, while he eventually becomes a villain. [Time skip till they get can put whatever here] while interrogating the power suddenly shuts off and [you could put anyone here and alter the story from then on] comes in to same them.

After that y'all decide ab the story cuz that's all I got :/

If y'all actually do this or find a story like this plz tag me cuz honestly I got nothing to read, I'm bored 🥱 😴
-word count =167

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