Chapter 14

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Diamonds POV:

The nerve of that guy. And I don't even know why he's on my mind so much. It's not as if I even like him. Continuing my journey to find my dad, I barged into his office to find that I've just walked into one of his important meetings.

I look over to him to find him shaking his head and muttering, "This girl. Should have never had kids ughh."

I gave him a stank eye but before I had a chance to apologise to the people in the room this old crusty, white guy stood up. "King, you should really keep your whores on a leash. This bitch looks like it's getting too comfy." He chuckled obviously expecting everyone to join him in a fit of laughter. All of a sudden, before I could jump over the table to beat a hoe, my dad rose from his chair, stalked over and grabbed the boy by his collar. Since my dad's lowkey strong, ( useless though because he can never fight mama back) ,he was lifted from the floor in a blink of an eye.

"Don't you ever and I mean ever come round here calling my bloody daughter a whore do you hear me?" The piece of shit's eyes widened in astonishment and nodded fearfully. Good as he should be. "You should be grateful I'm not torturing your pussy arse to death then taking over your itty bitty gang. The fucking nerve. I really should kill you right now right this second. Now what you're gonna do is get the heck out of here and never show your face again. Oui?" Silence. "Comprendre nigga?" Dad screamed in his face. Deffo a bit of spit in there.

He suddenly came back to his senses and started saying yes like his life was on the line.
Oop bitch it was.

"Good." He was thrown to the floor across the room. "And you can forget about ever gaining an alliance with us aight?" The pitiful human stain quickly rushed out the door but not before murmuring something under his breath. "I didn't even want you nigga's help."

"Stop the motherfucking music." It went dead silent. Except from me laughing though of course. "What did he sayyyy?" A couple of guards dragged him back over to us as his fellow colleagues looked on in pure fear. They'd obviously heard how deadly the notorious King could get if he was angry and it was clear to see that he was fuming.

"Wanna repeat bitch?" I smirked in his face. While glaring at me , dad slapped him across the face.

"Don't you go glaring at my daughter now. As I said before and I really don't like to repeat myself what the fuck did you say?" Still he kept quiet. "Oh ok, it's fine then." Grabbing a knife form absolutely nowhere, he proceeded to carve dicks and the words 'I am a racist' into his skin. He screamed in complete agony just as the door slammed open.

"Now where's this motherfucker that wants to call my baby a whore and my husband a nigga? Huh?"

Mum ran at full speed towards him and shot him from a gun that also came out of nowhere. Then Sapph came in and threw a dagger into his eye.

Wait. Sapph? Where the fuck did her arse come from? "
Damn this a family reunion or sum? Lolll" I asked in amusement. But I don't this any one seemed to hear me as they were too busy cutting of the guys toes. This is giving Michael from prison break.

Deciding not to miss out on anymore fun, I walked out and grabbed Mr whitey by his cheeks and smushed them together. It clearly hurt as there were slices all over his face.

"Now listen boo. Imma throw your arse in our prison cells ,torture you to near death for however long I want. Could be days weeks or even years. Just until I'm satisfied. And then imma send your arse to see your bestie Prince Phillip in hell sooner than you thought you would. Okay?" Snickers were heard all around from that comment. Unable to nod, I signalled for the guards to take his arse away.

"The rest of you lot get the fuck out. I'll contact you on when to carry this on." Dad shooed the rest of the room out that I honestly forgot were there.

"Damn baby you were foul for that Prince Phillip line," Mum said after she'd put all her torture weapons away in God knows where.

"Can't lie I've been dying to use that line on an old, dusty, white man," I admitted. Everyone laughed and we all went in for a group hug.

"You good sis?" Sapph asked

"Yea I'm totally fine. That just made me think of totally spies. Damn I miss our childhood."

"Ahlie so do I," Mum and Dad both chuckled at this.

We broke apart from the hug and dad kissed all of our foreheads. "Movie night?"

"Hell yeah."

"You don't even need to ask,"

"Why the fuck would you waste your breath asking that shit?"

The last comment came from mum and we all shook our heat at her antics. "First one down there gets to pick!" She shouted and without wasting a second we all sprinted to the living room. So this is the good life, I thought while casually pushing little kids down the stairs to get there first.

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