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Hoseok POV:
I was currently sitting in Jimin living room on the phone with Namjoon. He was just giving the the extra details on what had happened today at the office. Apparently, the gang was sent by another one in order to send a warning. Anything else they did was completely their decision. I sighed in frustration and suspicion.

"Out of all times for this to happen it happens when we are on the coat tails of whoever might know what happened to my little sister. That can't be a coincidence."

"I agree. But, the question is, if it's not a coincidence how did they know know we had info on what happened or who took Cameron? They obviously know something we don't and we have to be careful because of this."

"Why!? We've been waiting for lead like this for ten, almost eleven years. Since they know something we should beat the name of their boss out of them. I'm done with taking risks and getting nothing. Being careful and getting nothing. I want results Joon. *Sniff* I...want my sister back."

A few tears rolled down my eyes and the cracks in my voice became present. I was tired. I had been searching for years and had found nothing. Being careful never got us anywhere, but in hindsight it was a good idea because that was one sure fire why to keep Cameron as safe as possible. Taking risks was much more dangerous, but in the heat of the moment it seemed like the right thing to do. But, we've done both of those options including many others and nothing has worked. This lead and these people could get us to where we needed to be. So, of course I didn't want to be careful.

I heard Namjoon sigh over the phone. "I know Hoseok. I want her back too, but as much as you hate it we need to be careful. If they really do know something Cameron could be in danger or in more danger than she already is. So, just listen to me this time and I promise you we will find Cameron and she will finally be safe at home." After a quick thought I hummed in agreement. Believe it or not Namjoon had always been the cooler one out of the both of us. So, when he was always the one to go to when you need to calm me down or make sure that what I was talking about wasn't total nonsense just because I was blinded by rage.

We said our goodbyes and I hung the phone lying back on the couch adjusting Jimin so he would be a little more comfortable in lap. He grumbled a bit before rubbing his eyes and looking at me. He smiled and latches onto my neck. "Dada. Wan go to bed." I rubbed his back and carefully picked him up, bringing him to his room so he could finish his nap. Tucking him into bed I gave him a kiss on the head before leaving and heading into the kitchen. Looking the fridge for something the little could eat I found some chicken nuggets and popped them into the oven. Sitting at the kitchen table I leaned back in one of the chairs and thought about life with my family before it was destroyed.

(Flashback time)

"Eoma! I'm taking Cameron into the yard!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Okay, be safe my loves!" My mother shouted back. At this time I was ten and Cameron was only three years of age. We had a huge backyard that we would always play in and we managed to never tire ourselves out. I smiled and took hold of my little sister. "Yard! Yard!" She chanted. "Yeah, Cammy. We get to play in the yard." It was a crispy cool day in fall so I helped her put on a light sweat shirt before going into the yard. Setting one foot into the backyard Cameron immediately ran toward the playground set our parents had built. "Swing! Hoseok, push me! Please!" I nodded running behind her. Pulling the swing back I carefully push her forward.

"Look, Cam it's a crow." I stopped the swing and pointed out the black bird that had landed on the fence if our yard. "Blackbird! Blackbird!" She jumped off of the swing and run over to the bird. It quickly flew away from us and Cameron clapped happily. Then, she started singing.

"~Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arrive~"

I laughed at the cuteness of my sister. "Where did you learn that song little one?" I asked her. "Eoma play it on radio. Blackbird song. I like it very much!" She pointed to a tree in our yard the blackbird had flown too and started singing again.

"~Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arrive~"

(End of flashback)

I sighed at the joyful memory of my childhood. The timer I had set for Jimin's chicken nuggets went off and I took them out of the oven. Going to wake up Jimin I was suddenly got hit with a huge wave worry and anxiety. I didn't know what had was causing it or why I was acting this way. I quickly made my way to Jimin's room only to find him soundly asleep in his bed the way I left him. I let out a sigh of relief as my anxiety calmed down a bit, but it was definitely still there. "Why am I feeling like this?" I quietly questioned myself out loud.

(While somewhere else in the world)

??? POV:
*Smack* *Smack* *Spit and cough* "Huh, maybe you aren't as tough as everyone thought you were." ??? pulled the hair of the person he was beating so they could look ??? in the face. "I'm tougher than you think asshole. I just pity you because you're weaker than a sundried worm." The other person spat back at ??? causing them to get another punch to the gut. ??? realesed the grip on their hair and turned to there service men.

"Stay and make sure she doesn't escape again. You know under all those sharp remarks is just a scared little girl who can barely speak correctly. So, much for the big, strong blackbird. More like scared, cowardly....

Jung Cameron.

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