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Dinah POV

Punishment at the orphanage wasn't like getting pushed by your parents. At least I didn't think so I really wouldn't know. You know since Ive seem to have misplaced mine."Why weren't you kids in the Med bay with the others" Ms Greta said with a smirk. Letting me know she was about to enjoy my punishment. "I was showing normani around" I replied simply.

I wouldn't be Dinah if I didn't get punished at least once a week. "Well Dinah Jane you know the rules and normani I know your new here, but your going to have to reap the consequences of your act- "woah! woah wait she didn't do anything wrong she didn't even know you can't punish her because of me". I glanced at the brunette who looked like she was about to shit on herself.

"Fine Dinah Jane I guess I'll just have to save some of her punishment for you too"! Greta retorted a little too happy. 'Ok can we just get on with it' I followed the bad built woman into the secluded room 'sit' she instructed I did as I was told and sat in the hard cold chair 'lift your shirt' she demanded. Buy me dinner first would you I spat attempting to ease my mind for what's prepared to come . She ignored me and continued to heat the metal in her hands

Once the metal was red as a tomato she turned to me with a mischievous grin 'you ready for your close up you devil child' Greta said holding the metal iron to my stomach 'Fuck you' I spat as she pushed the piping hot metal into my skin "AHHH YOU BITCH"even though I go through this a lot. I definitely don't get used to the metal ripping through my flesh and marking it's territory.

Normani POV

I sighed as I watched Dinah and Ms Greta leave and go into a room. I wonder what kind of punishment she was going to receive. Greta said she was going to get punished for me too oh god I hope it isn't bad I started to hyperventilate "relax she's going to be okay" I heard a voice say. 'She's in there like every week she's used to it by now' I turned around now facing the woman "but it's all my fault if she wasn't with me she wouldn't be in trouble! if I would have spoke up she wouldn't be getting punished for me" I started to pant "hun whatever Dinah's in there for she's in there because of what she did. not you dinah would never volunteer to take punishment for anyone!" The red head said reassuringly

Maybe she was right maybe Im over reacting why would dinah take punishment for a girl she just met? I'm no different than anyone here The door squeaked opened snapping me out of my thoughts.a broken Dinah appeared with Greta following behind. she stared at the ground never looking up as she made her way through the doors. "Damn maybe it was your fault new girl. I've never seen her this worn out" the redhead said eyeing me .'Who even are you'? I was starting to get annoyed by her "oh where's my manners, I'm doja" cute name I said dryly "don't be rude hot cakes what's your name?" I laughed at the nickname 'I'm Normani'

Doja continued to talk to me about a whole lot of nothings but my mind kept drifting off to the blonde was she okay ? What happened? Does she hate me ? Oh god she probably hates me I need to find her.  "mhm that's great Doja,but I need to go find Dinah I said getting up about to leave 'wait... do you need help finding her I-I could go with you' Doja said grabbing my hand 'umm sure I think she's in the common room where is that'? Doja smiled and pulled me towards the door into the unknown

As we walked down the what seemed to have gotten longer hallway I took my time to study the girls appearance. she had red hair that was straightened she looked to be about my age and definitely mixed with something 'okay here we are the common room' doja said twirling around like how they do in movies 'wow! taking in the appearance around me this room was huge it resembled a library. people were scattered about reading or playing bored games. I spotted the blonde sitting in a ducked off corner

'Thank you doja!' I said leaving the girl before she could reply. I sat next to the blonde and just listened to her breathe. I know some people don't like to talk when there upset but still I wanted her to know that I was here to listen 'you know listening to someone else breathe is weird' the blonde said offering me a smile but it never reached her eyes "dinahhh"i dragged out her name "not how i imagined you saying my name but I'll take it" the blonde winked at me. if I my skin wasn't dark I'm sure my cheeks would be red as a tomato.

Dinah POV

'I'm serious what happened in there?' The brunette whined. How do you tell someone as sweet as normani that you took hot metal to your chest for them? "nothing she just gave me a stern talking to"I lied 'Dinah you were shaking you can't even look at me' she placed her hand on mine. I looked up to meet her eyes. It was something about this stranger that made me want to tell her all my darkest truths. *sighs I told her everything that happened including the name calling. The silence was extremely loud. Great now I've made it awkward "can I see them? The scars" the brunette mumbled cautiously

I lifted my shirt half way showing my heavily bruised torso marked up from new and old burn marks making the brunette gasp loudly causing a couple stares in our direction. "Hey keep your voice down" I retorted 'I'm sorry it's just this isn't right this is abuse they could go to jail!" Mani I know that, I also know that the police don't care about us orphans."that's why we need to get out of here we need to get world wide coverage on this place! "your in no condition to execute a prison break" I smiled at her comment of concern "mani seriously, I'm okay you know the old saying "what ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

'That saying is bull Shit and who ever said it is most likely dead right now' the brunette joke half heartedly. We both busted out laughing "you know mani I think me and you are going to be good friends" she stoped laughing and look at me as if to study me 'dinah I-


I groaned .One day I'm going to take that bell and shove it up their a- "we should go it's lunch time!"The brunette squealed pulling me up. I've only known her for a day, but If I've learned anything about her it's that she loves food. I wonder what she was going to tell me ? Deciding not to push the topic I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head. We walked hand and hand to the cafe. today for Lunch we were having mash potatoes and salsbury steak we had this yesterday. We seemed to never run out of this menu item I sighed grabbing my plate.

We found a table to eat at "okay so how are we going to get out of here and when?" The brunette asked .Okay to successfully execute this plan we have some steps we need to complete .I started telling her the plan when Everything around me began to spin "First we need t...to Barely able to talk I looked at the brunette with my now blurred vision "Dinah are you okay?" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out .

0100 hours

Phase 2 is now complete subject will wake up tomorrow and won't remember the last 3 hours phase 3 is a go

*tape recorder stops

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