Trascendence: The salvation of humanity

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Before Katara's eyes when she was a child, she saw her parents fight, terribly, it came to her memory, when she ran away from home at the age of eight, because her father had abused her since she was 6 years old and her mother did not say Nothing, and even she allowed herself to be manipulated by her husband, allowing him to do what he wanted, but once he stopped him and rubbed him off how evil he was with her, he took revenge by setting fire to the house on a Tuesday, and the mother who was resting on the sofa, was awakened by the smell of smoke, she was inside, and her daughter could not save her, she passed away and went to die

and saw refuge in the arms of a family that adopted her to ask her to be their slave, there Katara meets Rodrigo, who tells her that he loves her so much that he will give her a better life, soon she travels six months.

He comes back and makes another woman pregnant, she is the one who comes to him and has a child in her womb

she leaves that place, and is abducted by a man who submits her as his slave

She proceeds to write in her diary what she experienced, an executioner, the villain who cajoled her and what she could have gone through was only a hardship in a room, like a dungeon, there she not only went hungry but was fed various meats about to decompose, until she could no longer, and decided to find a way to rebel, and go through the door of that castle, in it, in the middle of the night, she meets a young man who tells her to help her, he She was from the northern coasts, where the gypsies came out in groups and hunted near the countryside, in addition to shepherding, he had a strong character and extreme courage, he helped her get out of the hands of the lord who considered her an exile from the world.

At that time, when she was still in the barracks, the mysterious young man had told her not to take her belongings or anything, she would be safe if all the plan they put together went well.

And that same night when it was two o'clock in the morning, he stole the ladder from the executioner's garden and climbing between the branches like Rapunzel's prince, he managed to climb to the princess's prison, she was waiting for him with sharp swords to finally cut the bars, and escape through the window, in the middle of the night, when the executioner was asleep, they took the opportunity to escape, and fled to a new place, there in Madrid.

They went through mountains, climbing and crossing, very soon the complicity made them close passengers of the same train called life, they united and he asked her to live for the rest of her life with him, and she accepted ...

They went to a small town in Spain, far away in the forest, there both of them were left in a small attic, and they received the dawn soon ...

They had already been two weeks, and what was in that small cabin did not supply them, so they decided to look for work in the town, she as a singer and he as a worker, so she went to sing with a guitar that her gift gave her. friend the seamstress, because her son did not need it, and he in the construction of a theater, so they survived until a certain day that misfortune fell on Leila and Tiago's house, their love was consumed after a spectacular fall from the scaffolding where it was Tiago, and almost lost his life, she was distressed when she heard the news, and ran to the scene of the events, the paramedics treated him and bandaged him by tightening the wound on his leg, he had torn a calf muscle, -Happily, it wasn't very serious- said one of them,in the scene they were noticeable as if they had coincidentally broken in the ropes that supported the structure, as well as if what happened had been intentional ...

But after a few minutes, Tiago reassured his girlfriend, and asked if she could work until she fully recovered, although he insisted that he felt fine and could in less than a month, she was left with a lost look, and her heart next to his, -No, don't work, it's not necessary, I'll see a way to help with your medications, darling-

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