Chapter 1:Welcome To Crystal Academy

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Flight 130 To Alaska Boarding now" I hear from the speakers around the airport. I huff as I haul up my luggage. I walk toward the plane I need to get on. Once I'm on and find my seat, next to a window.

if your wondering what the hell is going on, well let me explain some thing quick. My name is Taylor, I'm 17, I have a German Shepherded named Chloe. My parents are dead, they died about 2 weeks ago, on Christmas night. Its January 6th, I'm from Minnesota. And I tired as hell right now so I'm going to sleep. Only have about 6 hours of a flight left.

As I stepped of the plane my legs wobbled, like literally. I still have to carry 3 suit cases to a taxi just to go to a boarding school I never wanted to go to in the first place. I get my bags eventually and walked towards the doors to get a taxi.

The ride seems to go on forever. Until we finally stop in front of a castle looking building. It was huge and looked like we honestly just time traveled back to the medieval times, My head hurts a lot, and I kind of feel dizzy. I was greeted by my very familiar cousin, Skyler. She had purple hair and a surprising amount of make up on for one, being in the middle of nowhere Alaska and two, being at school. "Hey Tay!" she yelled running up to hug me. when I was engulfed by her hug, her familiar scent shot up my nose. coconut and banana. How tropical can you get here?

"So I have a friends here to help you get your stuff inside, Phoenix and Liam You can just go and sit in the main hall." She smiled softly as I nodded at her. as I started walking I felt dizzy again. I stopped to catch my bearings before I fell. "Oh yeah, here ill help you inside. Its the altitude. Since you higher here you'll have to get used to the air and shit" She said she threw here arm around me and helped me inside.

"How long should this last?" I asked "Um, probably about a day" she said before hurrying out the door, 2 guys followed her out. I looked at the painting on the walls fascinated my the art on them. There was a painting of the large castle school. some of birds, snowflakes and one just happened to catch my eye. I got up and walked towards it. it was a light haired woman, she had dark grey eyes and light skin, very pale skin actually. she was wearing a long black and grey dress and had a man next to her. He had dark black hair and bright blue eyes, he was more a neutral light color instead of the paleness of the woman.

"Nice painting, isn't it?" A deep voice asked from behind me. I jumped a little and whipped around. I found myself looking into deep black eyes. He had a chiseled jaw that looked like it could cut through stone, he was at least 6 feet tall, he was muscular and from what I could see he has tattoos and to finish he had deep black hair. His eyes were black like pitch black, but as close as he was I could see specks of light floating around in them.

"Um, Yeah. I guess" I said backing up, I couldn't though, there's a wall. "You dropped something" he nodded towards the ground. I looked down and my phone was on the ground. He leaned past me and picked it up. Getting even closer then before, I could feel his minty breath on my lips. "Assuming your new here" He said not moving. "why does it matter to you" I raised an eyebrow "Oh, feisty, that's a new thing to see around here, no one has the balls to talk to me like that" He smirked "Aw, is the bad boy not used to this? better get used to it, im not leaving anytime soon" I winked at him and he backed up a step. "I'm Grayson" he said handing my phone out. "Taylor" I smirked grabbing it. "I like you, your different" he said. "I guess, so what's your deal?" I asked him putting my phone in my pocket. "Oh, ya'know school" He said. "wow, said every teenager everywhere" I laughed. He looked towards the door suddenly before speaking again. "Yeah. Hey I gotta go, see ya round Taylor" He winked at me before taking off down the hall. A small piece of paper floated down in front of me. I picked it up, Keep in touch ;) with a phone number. I smiled. "Smooth" I mumbled to myself. "How much stuff do you need?" A man asked, he has brown almost orange eyes, light brown hair muscular ish, and carrying 2 suit cases. "Enough for a year and a half" I smiled. Another one followed him in with my other suit case, "Oh, please, quit being a baby. Its not even heavy." He had blueish eyes and blonde almost white hair. "Maybe for you" the other huffed before walking up the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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