Chapter 6: Mail time

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The news that they would have to find a way past the well-known poltergeist before they could even get close to completing the first task spread quickly among the third-years. Namjoon and Hoseok, who hadn't gotten their chance yet, were immediately thrown off guard by this piece of information.

"I can't believe the Slytherins and Ravenclaws found the place so fast in the first place," Hoseok said, shaking his head in disbelief as they walked to their very first Care of Magical Creatures class. He knew the Slytherins and Ravenclaws were smart, but he was still surprised that in just an hour they had found the exact place where the flower was hidden. Meanwhile, Hoseok, Dan, and the other third-year Hufflepuffs had been wracking their brains over the task.

"I can't believe that even though two groups found the place, they still couldn't complete the task." Namjoon snorted.

Jimin glared at him, salty that he and Chad hadn't been able to complete the task, even though they were the first ones to find the room. He had been so confident. If he could've done the task on his own, he would've done so... sadly enough he had thought he needed someone to perform the hover charm... and Chad had failed.

"Like you would've done better against Peeves," Jungkook said to Namjoon with a huff, though it was obvious that he was still ashamed that all he did was scream and run when Peeves appeared.

"There are loads of spells you can use against Peeves!" Namjoon exclaimed. "I thought you knew, he's gone after you so many times in our first year!"

Jungkook pouted. "Namjoonnn, you know I never really stood up against him... I was mostly running from his pranks..."

"Ahww, Jungkookie, we get it," Hoseok said, putting an arm around the maknae. "Peeves is scary, it's only logical you ran from him."

Jungkook took a look at Hoseok's face, before letting out a soft chuckle. "You're not even gonna try to get through the first task, are you?"

"Oh god, no." Hoseok laughed, which caused all four of them to laugh.

When they saw the group of third-years in the distance, they all took out their new Care of Magical Creatures books. It was a strange, monstrous book that seemed to be alive in some kind of way. It would make growling noises every so often or squeak when you held it too tightly. The weirdest thing was that it actually had eyes.

"I'm not sure if I want to open this book," Hoseok said, holding it at a reasonable distance from his face. "What if it eats me?!"

Jimin inspected the book and wondered about how to open it. He was sure Taehyung would know exactly what to do. Hmm... what would Taehyung do? If this book... thing... was alive, he would treat it as an animal, right? Talk to it... pet it... probably?

Jimin tried it. He held the book closer to him – earning panicked looks from Hoseok who was sure the book was going to eat his friend – and mumbled a few calming words to it, petting the book and stroking the spine.

The book calmed down significantly and Jimin grinned. Even though Taehyung wasn't here, he had helped Jimin. 

"You have to stroke the spine, treat it like a real animal," Jimin told his friends.

"I'm not petting a book," Namjoon said with a weirded-out face.

"C'mon, look at Jimin's book, it's all calm and basically purring, just do as he says," Hoseok said. "We know you love books Joonie~ just pet it~"

Jungkook looked at them and shook his head, following Jimin as he stroked the book. It worked on his book too; it calmed down and he could open it without any problems. 

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