Chapter 18: Plotting...

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A little bit of a chaotic chapter...but I hope you'll enjoy! Thanks for sticking with the story after all this time <3 Y'all are amazing. Let me know what you think! (^_^)


This house was dark. Perhaps darker even than the mansion they had first been hiding in. The windows in the stone walls were smaller, hardly the size of a head, and they were covered by large black curtains during most of the day. It was almost as if no one wanted to let light in, almost afraid of it. 

Hardly anyone was seen entering the building, and even fewer were seen stepping foot outside. This wasn't a place people usually left alive.

Inside the large room that was made to look like a living room, but rather resembled a conference hall, a large fireplace was lit. Two figures were seated in front of the fire, having a secret conversation with the face in the flames...

"Waldwick has secured his spot. McGonagall is keeping her eyes on him, just as planned."

"So what do we do next? They will come for the boy. Do we let them?"


"No, you idiot. We're not killing this boy. He's of way too much use. If not for this plan, then for another."

"Then you mean to keep him hidden?"

"I don't get it?!! Why don't we kill him?! Why don't we kill all of them!!! The prophecy says they are destined to destroy us!! We should get rid of this threat!"

"Lovina, stop this rash and reckless behaviour this instant! Have you forgotten the reason why the Mins let them live?!"

"Sorry, Father. She's been agitated lately, especially after the boy's escape attempt."

"He sent his cat somewhere!! We have no trace on animals, so how do we stop it from reaching his little friends!?"

"Maybe you should let it. It has always been part of the plan to eventually get those boys away from Hogwarts' protection. The Mins succeeded in that quite easily, using their son as bait."

"We had all of them in Manchester!"

"But not because we wanted them to be there, remember Lovina? Those children found out on their own. They should not be underestimated, Father."

"They are just. Children. They might have done some damage to the Mins, but in the end, they needed the help of their dear teachers and Aurors. What if those are occupied? What if they're busy thinking they're on the right track to find us, but end up completely losing sight of their beloved students?"

" mean to put this much trust in Waldwick's diversion?"

"Waldwick is crazy, father!! He can be trusted to cause trouble for Hogwarts, for sure, but we can't rely on him!"

"Don't question the plan, girls. Now, I assume the boy is hidden well?"

"Yes, Father. The trace is blocked for now. They might still find some of it, though, if they have enough Aurors on the case."

"No need to worry about that. You've done well for now. As soon as the Aurors are distracted and Waldwick's diversion is in place, I expect you to start with the attack. Stay unnoticed."

"Yes, Father."

"There is no room for mistakes. We need to prove our worth to the Mins and the others."

"We won't fail you."

The face in the flames disappeared. The two sisters shared a solemn look, both of them ready to complete their tasks. This was the time they would make their friends proud, their father maybe even prouder.

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