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Darkness that is all i see, i think i blacked out or maybe i was hit.
All i remember was that tree in front of me was i that stupid to walk in to it.

Im meant to be a wolf why the hell would i walk in to a tree, what is wrong with me. I hear voices where the fuck is it coming from.

Ohhhh im waking up i really am a dumb blonde sometimes. Maybe i should try and listen to what these people are saying before i open my eyes that does make sense.

'Why we waiting for her to wake up Liam we should be taking her to the alpha'
Fucksake i ran in to a pack why didnt i smell shit. Im so screwed im gonna die.
Opening my eyes i see its still dark meaning i wasnt out for long good.

Two big guys stood in front of me looking at me waiting to see what i will do. What can i do i know they will come after me if i move and try to run so im just gonna be a lazy shit and do nothing but sit up.

'Hi' i look innocent saying that which i am ive done nothing all im doing is running away from my shit as life and my shit pack.

'Why you come in to our pack land you should know we are the strongest pack and the largest are you that dumb' the taller one said

'Well you see i didnt know this was a pack i havent been around the world much im so sorry i get it if you want to kill me right now' im trying to act like i dont give a shit maybe they will see im a good person which i am.

'We cant kill you right now we have to take you to see our alpha so come on get your ass up'

Well shit wish me luck

Trying something random that's came in to my head hopefully its liked

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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