hell of a day part 2

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*time skips*



Normal speech and or narration



Austin P.O.V

Austin: so any thought's

Lucifer: what was the point

Austin: boredom anyway alistor about the grimoire because as soon as I get that the sooner I'll leave and be out of everyone hair's or at least current hair's  

Lucifer: plz do the I'm starting to feel like he's lice 

Austin: not the first to mark me as one and probably not the last *sigh* the more and more this goes on I start to realize why did I just stay ignorant maybe the whole my negative self would have failed maybe everything that has happened would have flop but here we are in a spiral that is both endless and endearing *sigh well at least my head agrees rather not deal with multiple talk right now . . . I forgot about the current date time in my world luckily I got a watch so let's . . . s-ee

as I looked at the date and time and the time is 12:58am date 9/28/2021 

Austin: -_- I spent since February till most of September and I only got far as vol 2 pre dance great so with this logic probability it will take me 3 to 5 year's great witch mean might be in my 24's or 26's oh well nothing I can do but I swear if tai gonna hold a grudge for just being over protective and paranoid I swear if I have to just force it down his throat to get him to believe me I gonna get very abusive with his semblance seeing he like yang who just masochist but will use what you put against you by 2 time the force so fuck it*notice my aura kicking in* and now this show's up brilliant god I hope I die at the end of vol 3 because if I die to cinder get to give her a personal fuck you with ruby silver eye's seeing she need's here to care or see someone who she deeply cares for to die in front of her or just fallow marina guidance since summer might not know seeing she was gonna have people hate me a late edition like no joke the true reason why their a grave of her was to make ruby look cool and strong pointing quote here "According to , the tombstone's usage in the "Red" Trailer originally had no story significance, as when he questioned about who was in the grave, Monty replied "I don't know. We just thought it would be cool if she visited a grave". Jeff went on to ask "What if it's her mom?" to which Monty answered "That's cool." so anyway she was like this and that but no actual truth beside her having silver eye's and ruby semblance and just a great mother figure nothing on combat or actual worth while knowledge beside Salem and her met and that gonna be fun to see the bitch her self realis that a person she tried to kill stand's in her way with me as the person who pulling the string's of lose time thread's to fuck her over each step also like Joshua gram always said and I take it to heart till my true grave 

Millery: hey you ok

Austin: yeah any way the grimoire

Alistor: here you go bye and don't comeback

after he give me it and shove me throw a portal that showed up and send me to god knows were and also since he shoved me I am on my own witch in hind sight should have expected wonder if Millery gonna stay or go I mean granted the issue was mine but

Millery: surprise *she tackles me from above*

Austin: why did you fallow?

Millery: figure you would be board and we never really get to be our selves since you and me are with other's

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