Home alone

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Once I got home Sidney said something about Tatum before running upstairs.
"Lindsey" she called down to me.
"I'm gonna head to Tatum's for a bit I'll be back with her later. She's gonna sleepover"
She grabbed some movies from her shelf and waved goodbye. She ran downstairs and suddenly I was alone till late tonight. 

Thanks for the invite.

Great, I hate being alone. Being alone just reminds me of all that I've lost. 

I started dialing Randy's number. We weren't all that close but I knew if I put a scary movie on the table he'd be over in 15.

"Hey, randy it's Lindsey you busy?"
"I might be what's up? Is Sidney there"
"I'm uh alone and kind of scared to be alon-"
"So Sidneys not there?"
"Sorry I'm actually busy me and Stu are gonna do something or something I gotta go"

And the line went dead.


I didn't want to do it but I felt there was no other option.

So I dialed Billy's number 

"Sidney?" His voice sounded strangely deep.
"Um, billy- yea it's Sidney" I tried to make my voice higher to match hers.
"Are you alone Sidney" his voice was really deep and it was freaking me out so I ended whatever I thought might happen. His voice didn't even sound like his own.

I took a deep breath and redialed his number.

"Sorry I lied billy it's Lindsey and I'm scared"
I changed my voice back to normal.
"Oh sorry, Linds what's up everything ok?"
"No, I forgot how much I hate being in a house without my dad"
"Is Sidney there?"
I didn't want him to not come because she wasn't there, so I lied.

"Uh yea, yea please billy can you come over?"
"As soon as I can I promise"
"Thank you"

And I hung up.

I breathed relief knowing I wouldn't be home much longer
The phone rang and I assumed it was billy.

"Hey b-"
"Lindsey?" He sounded like he expected someone else to pick up.
"How long do you think it'll take?"
"Not sure but I'll be there soon though ok? You good?"
"All good" I lied.

Lindsey's room
I stared at my ceiling hoping for someone to get to the house. it had been about 15 minutes but it might as well have been hours.

I heard the door creak open downstairs and the phone ring.

I sighed in relief assuming billy was here. I went down the stairs quickly eager to be with someone other than myself. 


No answer


No answer

"Hello is someone here?"

I went over to the phone and picked it up.

"Again not Sidney"
"Please put her on the phone"
"She's actually not here but I have to go nice talking to ya sir"
I clicked the phone back in place and wandered around looking for the intruder.


I was going against all my morals by looking for the intruder but I did it anyway.
A vase broke and I flipped around suddenly nervous.

"Who's there"

I felt a leather-gloved hand cover my mouth, his other hand moved to my waist and pulled me into him. I kicked and fought but it was no use, he was too strong. I tried screaming and biting but nothing worked.

He uncovered my mouth and I gasped for air.

"Please please let me go I swear I'll give you anything"

I wriggled out and ran to my room screaming for help. I'm gonna die and my dad's gonna have to go through it all over again.

"Please" I begged, slamming my door and locking it.

I tried calling 911 but my phone was disconnected. I ran to my computer and tried typing a message to Sidney.

SOS. Someone called me from an unknown number. There's someone in the house now. Help-Lindsey

"HELP" I screamed sobbing.
The lock broke and the ghost-faced man came barging in, his silver blade shining.

"Please" I whispered accepting my fate.

This is the end

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