Whats diffrent in this story

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Long ago in the west there was a prince named Lucifer. He was kind and sweet, but he was also curious about the world outside of the kingdom. When ever he tried to ask his mother she would always say," oh don't worry, just focus on smiling and being a happy prince", she said to him,"remember a happy prince is a perfect prince!".

A happy prince is a perfect prince.
Lucifer has heard it so many times before. Whenever he asked anything that was not about his princely duties she would say it again. And again, and again. It drove him insane. He then stole a book from the royal library, one that held an explanation on the cursed forest hurting his home. When his Mother cougt him, she said it again,"A happy prince is a perfect prince". That's what made him run. 3 months before his birthday day, he ran away from home.

He went to live in the forest, to be alone, start fresh, but at a cost. For a while he had to steal food, just to keep himself in a good state. Later he learned that this was no way to live. So he decided to stay in the forest permanently, only there he would be safe. He now stays in the same place in the woods, a nice sunny spot with a nearby lake to drink from and bathe in. He was finally happy..... at least until he was taking a stroll.

Here is the list of my OC's names and who's roles will be who's:
Lucifer as Rupert
Kai as Amir
Kage and John
Ben as Cicily
Sheta as Queen Lavinia
Lilac as Queen Atossa

In this version of the story Kais part is the same as Amir's, leaving from his kingdom about a week (or month I can't remember) from when the story starts. If you don't know my OC's take a look at my OC book.
I hope you like my version of the story. I will also be adding some extra scenes to help build the chemistry between our two leads.

Now, let the story begin

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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Kai x Lucifer OC Two princes AUWhere stories live. Discover now