greeting him/my new master, master dean?

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(shreks pov)

    It's damp and cold, I haven't any concept in which I am. I assume it is round 3am, I strolling an errand for my master, however once I returned I could not locate Master Donkey anywhere. In the distance I see a mansion that I appear to be approaching, I marvel who owns this mansion, perhaps I can sneak across the back and spend the night time there, who knows I could possibly also find an new master through my grasp. 
      It seems to be later that i stir awake to discover a well outfitted maid wondering what I desired with his master. "sir i must do pardon myself, i don't have any business right here I only preference an area to rest" i spoke back to the well mannered old maid. "If you do not pardon my intrusion, however may i also i ask of why you acquire an area to stay?" he questioned. "Well you notice sir, my master passed late last night and now i don't have any grasp nor home to go back to to" i lightly spoke back choking on a little bit of sadness. 
     "well perhaps i ought to have my master take you in? he may be very keen on massive maids." the maid said 

 Shrek maid tsama: "oh i might be very delightful, by the way i never caught your name" 

 Todd maid tsama: " my name is Todd and my master is Earl Dean." 

 shrek maid tsama: " THE EARL DEAN?? Your one fortunate maid you know that? its each maids dream to work beneathneath his call at THE deal earl estate!"

(Todds pov )
I greet master dean today with his favorite tea and crumpets for breakfast, and i began to bring up the topic of this mysterious maid that showed up this morning.

      Todd:   "so master, i may or may not have found the very maid you have been seeking about, he is loyal and honest just like you wanted one. I discovered him outside, napping by my quarters last night. He claims to no longer have a master and is seeking one out."

Master:   "Hmmm bring him to my quarters at noon, i wish to speak to him about his past jobs and whereabouts. I'm generally curious what he brings to offer."

Todd:  " Yes master, Ill book that right away sir!" 

(A/N sorry to leave this on a cliff hanger but im currently writing another fic as well ill update as soon as i can on this story.  good night/morning/noon/afternoon/mid-morning)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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