Chapter 3

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Noah's POV:
After the party, Ethan was wasted so I had to drive instead of him since I was still sober and I just had a few drinks while Ethan went crazy.Which also meant that I had to leave my bike at Dylan's house but he told me that he'll just keep it in his garage 'till i come to pick it up.

When we were going home, I find Amber walking on the sidewalk.

"Hey, need a ride home?" I ask her.

"No thanks. I'm good," she says.

"No you aren't good so please let me drive you home," I say then she finally gives in.

After we drop off Amber at her house, Ethan wakes up and says. "Dude, that chick Amber likes you. And you like her."

"Yeah, and pigs are flying," I say as I start driving home from Amber's house. "Remember I told you that I'm a 'nerd' in my school now?"

"Mhmm," Ethan says.

"Well since I'm a nerd, I'm obviously bullied. And my bullies are Amber and her friends who are the populars," I tell him.

"Really?" He asks me.

"Yup," I say popping the 'p'.

"Damn. But I'm not sure how she'll react when or if you tell her that you're the school nerd and I am telling the truth when I say that I can see she likes you," Ethan tells me pointing at me.

"Well thanks for making me feel so much better," I say with sarcasm.

"Anything for you man," he says then pats my shoulder and then instantly falls asleep again.

--at home--
When we got home, I had a bit of trouble with dragging a sleeping Ethan to my house but after about fifteen minutes I finally got him to the guest room.

"Night man," I say then leave the guest room and go to my room and change into a pair of sweatpants and jump on my bed then I see a message from Amber.
(Bold Amber, italics Noah)

You still up?

Wide awake. You?

Kind of in between.


I had a great time tonight. Thanks for coming.

No problem. I had a great time too anyways

I'm glad. So, are you free tomorrow?

Yeah, why?

I was wondering if we could maybe hang out

So it's a date? Wait if it is then why is the girl asking?

It's not a date

Oh ok. Just two people specifically a girl and a boy who are hanging out


I guess I'll see you. You can go to my house at 10:00am

Ok, g'night


What a day. Hopefully tomorrow will be good too.

Wait, am I starting to like the populars? My personal bullies????

--next morning--
"Noah wake up!" I hear Ethan say as he shakes my body. "Get your ass up or I'm going to pour a bucket of ice cold water."

I still don't get up.

"Fine if you want it that way," Ethan says then I feel ice cold water which wakes me up.

"Shit! Shit shit shit!" I say then get up to find Ethan laughing at me. "What the hell dude?!"

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