Chapter 22

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The dark blue eyed young woman carefully walked up to the doorway, she closed her eyes and gulped a bit, preparing for the worst. She walked into the entryway and what she saw she didn't like.

Mae covered her mouth, she saw blood splattered on the floor leading all the way to her "...Mom!" The girl's face went pale as she ran to her mother. "Open your eyes! Mom!" She yelled, trying to check for a pulse. Just slightly... but it's barely there... and the baby... I'm so sorry... The raven haired young woman sat her mother up against the wall. But there's possibly still a chance...Right? She hoped.

Just as the blue eyed young woman sat her mother against the wall she noticed even more of her bloodied family members. "Carter...! Kyle...!" She ran to both of her brothers. Their bodies still have some warmth... She had sat them against the wall as well.

"Audrey... Dad...?! Where are you guys?!" Mae yelled.

"Hey! Mae! Come here for a second!" Lloyd yelled, and his voice sounded worried, Mae immediately raced over to where the whisper white haired male was.

"What happened-?!" The raven haired girl covered her mouth again, and blood was leaking down the stairs, her dark blue eyes went wide. This has to be a nightmare... The female thought. Mae then looked up and noticed Lloyd had her passed out father's arm around the white haired young male's shoulder. "Lloyd?! Have you seen Audrey?!"

"Huh? She's not downstairs?!" Lloyd asked. Both young adults stared at each other.

Oh no.

"Looking for something~? Or should I say someone~?" They heard the familiar voice of a blonde haired woman walking in through the hall, holding a passed out girl that looked all too familiar.

"Damn you...! You told me everything last night as a distraction so you could harm my family?!" Mae yelled. "I'm the one you wanted, why get them involved?!"

"Well you see. It's the same-difference, no? And... I don't care." Makayla said with a shrug.

"I'm going to... kill you...!" Mae's dark blue eyes glared.

"Aw, I'd like to see you try~" The blonde smirked, her teal eyes glaring as well.

"GAH!" The young raven haired female tried to jump at Makayla, she was pissed.

"Stop!" Lloyd did his best to hold her back, while holding onto her father as well. Damn it this isn't working... she's too emotional.

"You're not thinking rationally!" The green eyed male yelled at her.

"Screw thinking rationally! She killed my family!" The blue eyed female yelled, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Well, they're not dead... yet at least~" The blonde smirked. "And this one is still completely alive, for now~" Referring to Audrey.

"If you hurt a hair on her head I swear to god Makayla I will-!" Mae got cut off.

"You'll what? Maebelle Evans? You have no muscle, and right now you can't even get out of Lloyd's arm." The teal eyed woman said.

"...That's not true, because I have one idea how." The dark haired young woman said, "Sorry in advance, Lloyd," before smacking him in the forehead with the back of her head.

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