Where am I

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I woke up with a pounding headache, yup I had gotten drunk last night. Not intentionally I think. I rolled over. "Where am I" I screamed. I heard someone run up the stair, Omg it's a hot guy. Why am I in his bed. Please please please tell me nothing happened last night.

"Mia, what's wrong"

"Where am I, who are you"

"Someone must have slipped some achohal into your drink, I'm James we meet at the party last night. I brought you home so you wouldn't get in trouble."

"Oh, god please tell me we didn't"

"Sex. No...... No where near that. But you did find out that I'm your neighbor."

"Oh, um ok. Can you get me some excridn please" I had a killer headache, I guess this means no drinking ever again. I'm never going to ever touch that stuff. James got up to go get me some."Thanks". I still barely knew who he was.  Im still alittle confused at why I'm in his bed, and in his boxers apparently.  Why am I in his underwear. He walked back in with excdrin, and a cup of coffe. Thank god. I needed it. Why do people drink? He handed me the coffe and medicine. I took the pills. "James, what happened last night. What did we do" He came and sat down next to me, He smells like vanillia. It made my brain go all fuzzy.

"We meet at the party, you were drinking something when I came up to you. We left the party, and went to Starbucks. We were talking and some guy called you. Then you told me the real reason why you were out and at the party. Then I put my number in your phone and told you to call me if he ever calls you again. Then you said that your parents were home and you'd get introuble. So I let you seep here, and I said that I would take you home in the morning. And that I would tell your parents that you watched a scary movie and got scared so you came over here."

"Oh my god, not that guy again. I can't believe him" Who the hell is that guy, and why is he calling me again.

"Yup, and he wouldn't say who he was. But you seemed mad at him"

Why wouldn't I be "Oh. James, why am I in your boxers" I really needed to know that, cause it's starting to creep me out "Please tell me you didn't put these on me"

"Mia, dont worry. You put them on, and told me not to look. I might have though... And the're because you needed something to wear to sleep"

"Creepy,Why would you look"  So not creepy, It was hot. And he was hot.

"Maybe cause you're kind of cute"

He did not just say that, I can feel my checks heating up. I threw my hand up over my checks. He started laughing."Shut up" I flicked him in the forehead. He has problems.


"You deserved it"I heard my phone ring,Unknown number again. I tossed it to James, "You answer it, it's that guy" He answered it on speaker.

"Hello" James said

"Who is this, Where's Mia" The caller asked

"You don't need to know. Why are you calling her" James asked. He was using a tough guy voice. It didn't sound like it though. He sounded like a strange half american, half british guy. It was really funny.

"Because of what she did" Then the stranger hung up.

Ok, what did I don. What did I do to anyone, everyone does stuff to me. I never even talk to anyone. "Thankyou James"

"Anytime, what did you ever do to anyone"

"I don't know. All I've ever had happen in my life is be picked on and hurrassed. I never do anything to anyone"

"Well someone thinks you did. But you couldn't even hurt a fly"

I could so. I think. "I could if I wanted to"

"Wanna try" he took off his shirt "Lets go, take a swing" He pointed at his chest.

"No, I'm not gonna punch you. I don't want to hurt you" Real smooth Mia, He has a freaking 6-pack and your afraid of hurting him.

"Do you not see these muscles Mia."

"No, I see them. How often do you work out"

"Atleast 6times a week"

I went over and touched his chest, dang this guy is amazing. I think he's to good to be true. It's like god sent a saviour for my life. It's like James was made for me. 

"Mia... Mia..... Are you ok.... you've been staring at my chest for twenty minuetes"

He picked me up, "James put me down, I'm done ok I'm done I promise" He wasn't letting me down. "Come on please" Yup, he was so made for me. But were not dating and probally won't ever be dating. Seriously a guy like him probally has millions of chicks falling for him. I mean he's hot and he's british. He tried to toss me on the bed, I clinged around his neck not wanting to fly, I'm affraid of flying. I clinged around him for dear life. "James, I'm scared of flying"

"Mia, I'm sorry I didn't know"

He hugged me. "It's ok you didn't know"  I tried to get down, he wouldn't let me.

"Mia, do you have a boyfriend" He put me down.

I felt bold, I let impulse take over "If I had a boyfriend would I do this" I leaned in and kissed him. It was obious I took him from suprise, He kissed back. But I pulled away, what the hell did I just do. I tried to leave. I wanted to run. I tried to leave, his hand was on my wrist."James, I'm so sorry I dont know what came over me, I'm really sorry and......" My words were cut off when he kissed me. I tried to enjoy the sparks, for a few seconds. I pulled away. I couldn't breath. His scent and him being so close to me made it hard for me to think, my mind went fuzzy. "James, what... what was that about"

"Mia, will you give me a chance. Will you go on a date with me, just one please"

I had to think for a few minuetes. I wanted to date him but I needed to know more about him, "Sure, but no more kissing. Until I say so, hand holding and arms around eachother is ok" I guess it was ok. Then his arm went around my waist. He started rubbing my back. Oh comeon this isn't fair.It's so tempting, but two could play this game. My hand went into his back pocket. I could get used to this, I pulled it out though, I still needed to figure out the person calling me. I wanted to know, the voice sounded familiar. Like I'd heard it off the radio, He sounded like one of the One Direction guys I think. How the hell would someone from One Direction get my number. "It sounds like some guy from One Direction. I think the guy calling me. But how would they get my number"

"Mia, you seriously think a guy from One Direction got your number and is calling you. Have you gone crazy"

"Honestly I think I have. I can't think straight with you doing that"

"What" he asked as he started to rub my back alittle harder.

Oh come on he's not making this easy. I can't even think straight. It makes my head fuzzy. I wonder who the hell it was calling me.

"Mia, want to go out tonight."

"Um. I guesss. I'll need like 4 hours to get ready"

"Ok" He smacked my butt. I flicked his forehead.

I went home to get ready.

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