soon enough, we were very close to each other and we were very slowly getting closer and im inpatient so i just grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in and kissed him. our lips fit perfectly together, like they were made to be together. we kissed for a few second until...

"dada, what are you doing??"


"Lavvy this isn't what it looks like, we were just talking"

She had a lollipop in her mouth and she looked scared and confused.

"Bwut dada tawking is not kissing I'm vewy confwused" 

Her voice is so cute. 

"Umm lav just go to the kid area and play with the other kids."  Jack said.

"Otay" she replied with, seeming to forget everything that just happened.

She ran off smiling and then Jack looked back at me..


I grabbed the collar of his shirt again and pulled him in. We made out for 3 minutes and then Jack got a text...

Gabbie: Jack where the fuck are you, I'm at the airport and you are supposed to be here with Lav so I can take her to Hawaii.

He started typing.

Me: oh crap I forgot sorry Gabbie. We are at the hospital right now but we will be there soon.

Gabbie: HOSPITAL?!?!?!?!

Me: dammit sorry I forgot to say why were here, just an old friend I'm visiting cuz he had a heart attack. I will go get Lav and take her to the airport

Gabbie: oh thank god it's not one of you in the hospital. I hope your friend is ok. See ya soon :)

Me: see ya 😁

He put his phone away and then looked at me. 

"Sorry Zach I gotta go take Lav to the airport so her mom can pick her up and take her back to Hawaii."

I wondered if her was gonna come back..

"Jacky are you gonna come back after"

He smiled at me. 

"Of course baby boy" 

He got up and left.

Did he just call me baby boy...

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