The only chapter

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What's with boys these days? They never know what they want do they.
There sooooo confusing! Making you think they like you by kissing you and giving you there 100% attention all the time, even when they are with there friends but then a few days later their acting like they don't know you at all and acting like you don't know anything about them.

Why do they tell you things and have cuddles with you if they actually don't want anything to do with you?

Why. Why. Why.

That's all I want to know!

Why give us hard times trying to figure out if you like us or not when we have hard times as it is with periods, mood swings and other bitchy girls. We don't need that kind of shit going on you know?!?!


Have you ever liked someone that much you would do anything in your power to make sure they stay in your life?.. Yup that's right, I have.

I've been in a situation where my ex (who I did anything for) wanted me back but at the same time I was in a 11year olds girly day dreams about this other dude.
I call that rebound. Bad rebound.
Why do 16 year old girls have to go through this?
It's completely annoying.
I absolutely would do anything for my ex and still would but at the same time I was concentrating on a dude that didn't give me a clear sign on if he liked me or not.

I was back and forth with these two dudes for ages.
I told my ex I wanted to try and sort things out with him. But then I go and tell my dreamy dude that I would never go there again.


But then I messed it up.
You know how on the social media site 'Facebook' you can update your page with statuses and pictures, well, I done a status about being "too deep in the friendzone" so obviously that was about my dreamy dude that I liked. And can you guess that my ex seen that and was like "what do you mean" "your not in the friendzone at all!" And I shitted it all up. I told him it wasn't about him.
He got emotional.
I got emotional.
And he was saying "I thought you wanted to try with me again" "I thought this" "I thought that" URGHHHHHHHHG!!!!

And I lied. ONCE AGAIN. Didn't I learn last time?
I told him about this dreamy dude but said that I told him I liked him and he rejected me and we got into an argument and I told him to never talk to me again and then I said he blocked me.
Yup lies, because this dreamy dude didn't know anything about my feelings for him. He didn't know my status was about him. He didn't know anything.
I twisted everything up for my self.
I met my ex up the day after.
Went camping. Had a talk. Decidedtotryagainwithourrelationship. Eheheehahahaha.
Yeah we got back together.
Happier then ever I could say.
But I forgot about my dreamy guy and now he's pissed off that I'm back with him. He's pissed off that I don't give him my full attention no more. He's pissed off that I told him I would never go there again.
I told him, that my status was about him the other day. he didn't care. Hah. Now we don't talk. Period.

Now I need to find a good time to tell my boyfriend about this whole thing.

FUCK. *head butts wall*

I. Hate. Dudes.

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