Chapter 3 - Discoveries of the Past

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It's the Monday after Violet and Tony's first date. Violet is walking through the halls on the way to lunch and spots her two best friends, Kari McKeen and Robin Wagner. "Hey guys!" called Violet as she rushed over to them. "Hey Vi! How's it going?" they said back once she reached them. "I'm feeling rather great! Me and Tony finally had our first date last Friday!" the happy black haired girl said. "Awesome! Did you guys... you know..." asked Robin, trying to describe the moment without offending Violet. "What? Kiss? Don't ask that!" interjected Kari. "What? I was just asking." Robin said, defending herself. "It's fine, guys. But no we didn't kiss. Though I did tease him by giving him a little kiss on the cheek." declared Violet, slightly smirking at the end of her sentence. "He even asked for a second movie date right after the movie ended." Vi continued. "Sweet! When do you think you're gonna do it?" asked Robin. "Don't know, but I'll let Tony know when something comes up. As long as my personal family issues don't get in the way." answered Violet, secretly referring to her superhero life.

And so the three friends went into the cafeteria and prepared for the next events to happen in their future.

Two months later, a series of events, such as people throwing welcome back parties for superheroes, Violet's dates with Tony, school projects and assignments, major crime-fighting, and others have occupying the Parr family's time. They have been more excited than they've ever been, especially because of the fact that they were being appreciated to be helping people again now that they were legal again. They remember the time they failed to stop the Underminer and were horribly bashed by the public, and were arrested by the police for breaking the law. But now all of that has changed. The public is glad to have them back.

The Parr family is currently in the office of Rick Dicker, the NSA agent that helped them with financial assistance and keeping their identities safe when they were still illegal. They were helping Rick empty out his office so he could move into a retirement home. As they were putting his items in boxes, they were discussing how things would be now that Rick was done.

"Thanks for all your help over the years, Rick. Really appreciate it." said Bob. "Yeah... it's been great working with you, glad you're back out there again." responded Rick. "What do you think you'll do now that you're retired?" asked Dash. Rick smiled as he answered "Don't know, maybe I'll just take it easy for a little bit. Then I may do some fun things like golfing or fishing." "That sounds like fun. We'd like to come visit you some time while you're at your retirement home. Is that okay with you?" asked Bob. "Please do. Definitely wouldn't mind the visit of old friends." answered Rick. Then he wanted to announce the big important thing now that he was retiring, which was something the whole family needed to hear. "Oh, I also wanted to make this announcement. Now that I'm gone, please be aware that it'll be much harder for you to keep your identities sealed by the NSA by erasing people's memories if something happens." "Do you understand that, kids? Please be extra careful with your identities." Said Helen. "Is there anything else that we need to be aware now that you're done?" asked Helen. "Uhhhh... other than that, just, don't do anything crazy like turn into a monster or something." joked Rick. The entire room went laughing at that joke.

As the room was getting closer to being empty and all of Dicker's things were put into boxes, something popped into his mind that he felt he should share too as this was one of his biggest challenges since the Glory Days of superheroes. "Oh hey, before you guys leave, I feel like I should share this with you guys. You might want to have your kids listen to this, too." He said. "Ok. Kids, come here for a second. Rick has something important to share." Helen called to the kids. As Violet and Dash came over to them to listen to Rick, Rick prepared himself to share the important information. "Uhhh... so there's something that's been one of my biggest nightmares to deal with and think about since the Glory Days, and this person has been one of my biggest nightmares to help. He's been trained under me, but unlike your buddy Winston Deavor, who didn't use this to his complete advantage, he has really hated superheroes more than anyone on the planet." "Who?" asked Helen. As the whole family listened, Rick prepared himself to share the name of the man that would likely be a nightmare for them.

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