I rush downstairs and run straight to Harry.

"Watch it, Addy!" Harry laughs. "Are you that exited about going to buy school supplies?"

I ignore him and grab a muffin from the kitchen table. Sirius is behind the kitchen island packing money and some papers into his bag.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask him after shoving the muffin down my throat. It takes some time for Sirius to answer. He keeps checking out the papers. Finally he opens his mouth.

"I was busy. I had to speak with Harry." Sirius claims. "Now come on, let's go!" He taps Harry's shoulder.

"Okay..." I mutter.


We use Floo powder to go to some weird wizard store, and then head to Diagon Alley from there.

When we walk around Sirius and Harry joke around, but I keep my mouth shut behind them. Once I tried to ask them something, but they ignored my antics.

Now when a new school year is starting, they once again remember what I am. A slytherin.

Nothing bad about that, they say. But I can feel their disappointment.

They're just annoyed because I didn't choose Gryffindor. I don't think I could've even done that. There's nothing brave about me. I'm not like Harry.

Once we enter Diagon Alley, everyone pays attention to us. Of course, because of Harry. He's "the chosen one". Some people come up and talk to Harry and Sirius.

While Harry's chatting with Dean about quidditch, I check the windows.

I see a couple of interesting books and pets. I've never had a pet. I asked Sirius a few times, but he said I couldn't take care of one. I'm "too young". I'd say I'm too normal.

Besides, I'm not even that young. I'm fifteen. Almost the same age as Harry. Only a year or so younger. He got an owl, when he was eleven.

When the Weasley's arrive I take off. They're a nice family, everyone says. I mean, I guess, but they're just like everyone else. They don't pay attention to me. Why would they, when there's the "chosen one" who they could be paying attention to?

I cope my surroundings, but any of the stores don't catch my eye. I wonder off to some random streets where I've never been.

The alleys are long and thin. Rooftops high above are close to each other, so not a lot of light comes here. People around me walk past quickly, or stop to stare.

A wrinkly old lady, with a plum colored cloak grabs my hand. She talks gibberish and starts pulling me into a store.

Actually I think she might be speaking spanish, but just really fast.

I panic, take my arm back, and trip over my own feet. I fall to someones arms. Quickly I stand up and turn around.

"What the-" Draco Malfoy looks up and down at me. "Adrienne Potter?"

"Umm..." I feel a wrinkly hand on my cheek. The old lady has shut up, but stands right next to me.

I must look scared, because Draco shoves the old lady away from me.

"Come on." He grabs my arm and leads me back to where I left from. I turn to him to thank him, but before I can, I hear a loud voice behind me.

"Get your hands off her, you brat!" Sirius' face is red from anger. He stomps to our way, Harry behind him.

Draco backs away from me slowly.

"Oh, so now you pay attention to me?" I almost laugh. Harry looks at me, with a warning in his eyes.

i'm not okay - adrienne potterWhere stories live. Discover now