
376 14 4

Athena p.o.v

I tried opening my eyes they have been closed for what a year? Just kidding I don't know shit

I tried opening them again but these fuckers won't budge

Am I dead?no I can't be the heavens doesn't want me and I swear on satan's life that he doesn't wanna see me nor does he want me in hell

So yeah I'm not dead

I tried clearing my mind and focusing on opening my eyes

Yes! I yelled in my head once I finally got them opened well nearly open

I squinted my eyes adjusting to the bright light in the room

Once my eyes have adjusted enough to the point where it can fully open they flutter open on their own occord

"The fuck" I whisper but it came out as if I had a frog stuck In my throat

"The fuck you doing on my hand nigga" I said to Lorenzo who was lying on my hand now my voice sounds like nails scraping on a wall

"Thank fuck your awake" Lorenzo said jumping up and hugging me tightly not once putting pressure on my abdomen

"Water"I croaked out

"Oh yeah right"he said getting up quickly handing me a glass of water

I drank the water and thanked him

"I should call the doctor" he said

"Yeah sure"

He went out to go get the doctor while I lay their trying my hardest not to rip this iv fucking tube out my damn vein

The doctor came in

My name is doctor Lee the woman said

"Ok" I replied coldly

"So you can be discharged tomorrow I'm really sorry for your lost the-

"What the fuck your talking about my lost"I asked irritated

"I'm sorry you lost one of your child you were supposed to have triplets but the bullet ended up catching one so the fetus died leaving you with only twins im really sorry"

To say that I was speechless would be a fucking understatement

I open my mouth to say something but close it back

I looked down to my belly and unconsciously rubbed it protectively

I looked up to Enzo to see him smiling

"The fuck you smiling for" I whisper yell

He narrowed his eyes at me then smirked

"You put a fucking child in me not even one but three-way the fuck up did you say that I lost one of my babies"I asked the doctor

"I seen Lorenzo's face twist in pain but he quickly covers it up

The next day....
Today is the day that I get discharged from the hospital my family came to visit me yesterday and enzo stayed the whole time with me

Other than I had to literally kick his ass out of the hospital to go bathe and get something to eat

"Hey how are you feeling" lorenzo asked walking inside

"Okay"I replied

"Let's get your bags"

"Yeah sure" I said

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