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I woke up and brushed my teeth remembering that today was school I quickly rushed out of the bathroom and dressed up quickly pulled my braided hair into a ponytail and freed two braids in front, quickly grabbing my school bag i rushed downstairs,dad was away for a very important case and my mum was sleeping she'd just gotten back from the hospital she was working the night shift this week . awake all night , asleep all day she had made food last night before she went to work . so I quickly put the food in the microwave and set it at 5 minutes and swept the house and made a mental note to mop it after school once I heard the microwave go off I rushed to it and brought out the steaming bowl of jellof rice and quickly ate it and and hurried off to school.

As I made my way inside school I saw people scrambling towards the multipurpose hall , confused I grabbed the arm of a pinafore girl probably a jss3 girl and asked her what was happening she glanced at my arm following it to where it was holding hers ,then proceeded to scan me from head to toe as if satisfied that I was reasonable enough for her to reply she stated "impromptu assembly " I was about to let her go when someone's hand landed on her back "are you mad, i na pu ala?" I glanced at the direction the voice had come from to find that it was one of my mates the health prefect Jennifer "Catherine did you see what this girl did, she just sized you" my eyes widened at that I hadn't even been paying attention I turned back my attention back to the girl whose pinafore was tight and short it stopped just below mid thigh she wore diamond earrings which I'm sure were fake, her cornrows were slanted and tiny I probably couldn't count them on top of it even her leather sandals were all black I smiled mischievously and told her to follow me to my class as we started towards my class I told her to start loosening her hair "senior Catharine I'm sorry I'll never dress like this again" she pronounced my name in such a way it sounded like catharr and rine I "oh so you're not even going to apologize for sizing me sha that one no too concern me just be coming godi " I said dragging her to my class a few of my classmate were those who couldn't be bothered to go for assembly "head girl" it was Natasha my overly hyper classmate "this one wey you no go assembly a whole headgirl oh" she said causing her seatmates Evelyn and Tessa with one girl from ss3 spring whose name I think was joy to giggle"ah why is this one crying in front of my class" Madeline my seat mate asked walking into the class "see this fool oh the girl been dey size me " I replied looking at Lisa who was glaring the girl "abi you get eye to the size your senior, your head girl for that matter oyah knee down here after you finish loosening your hair you'll tear out a shit of paper and wright a report ya not mad" Madeline said "remove that thing you're eating and put it inside here " the girl from ss3 spring whose name was actually Lisa said handing her a zip lock back which I had no idea how she got "ah the girl na boss oh black sans at your age I couldn't even try it ,if our head girl that time caught us we'd be in soup " Amanda started telling the girl who was started crying even louder "senior I didn't mean to I made the hair for my elder sister's traditional wedding and my mom said it was still too new to loose I didn't mean to " she started explaining "and the earrings ," since the girl obviously had time I was going to help her waste it "I forgot to remove it this morning I wore it to church yesterday" she said sniffling "the pinafore nko" " I've been wearing it since jss1 and my mum said since I'm already writing exams and will soon stop wearing it that I should just manage it ,the person making my sandals made a mistake instead of putting brown leather her used black leather ,senior I'm sorry I sized you earlier I was just in a bad mood and I thought you were one of my mates " I sighed the girl had already finished loosening her hair and she looked so vulnerable almost reminded me of my little sister who was currently studying in delta "come" I said raising my hand for her to take she flinched and funny enough I hadn't even done anything to her "relax biko I'm not planing on biting you I made her seat and I stood up walking behind her I told her to hand me the comb in my locker I always carried a comb "what's your name" "Claire" "nice name" "thank you senior " "how old are you " she seemed uneasy and looked at the floor as she said " 13 " I just smiled she was the same age as my sis Kimberly smiling I made 12 cornrows for her "see you even look more beautiful just stay away from trouble" "senior thank you " she said she was about to leave when I told her to come to my class tomorrow to collect my old pinafores she smiled and ran off .
I was about to sit down when everyone in class started clapping I felt my cheeks heating up "head girl of the year" kyle one of my friends yelled he was tall and cute with dimples he was one of those people you good never get mad at I just swatted his arm away "yeye boy" I felt someone tap me "what na"i said in irritation and glanced up to see that it was Levi, my crush since ss1 see mess up oh i thought he was one of the few people with perfect teeth and in case you didn't notice I'm a fan of guys with nice teeth "chill na I won't bite" he said making me blush "sorry about I've been frustrated since morning " I said trying to keep a straight face "it's still morning thanks for helping my sister " I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion " the junior girl that just left class" " oh Claire, it was no biggie comes with the territory" I said "so I'm having a beginning of exam party on Friday " "who celebrates the beginning of exams " "you know exams are beginning and soon we won't have time to have any other parties " oh he had a point " that's nice I'll be there along with all my friends " he just smiled and walked away Levi spoke to me for the first time since ss1 I squealed internally "babes did you do your Igbo assignment" david a guy seating two lockers away from me asked shaking me out of my reverie and I face palmed "you've been asking me that question since Ss1 how many times should I say it I don't offer Igbo" realizing his mistake he face palmed too a I just laughed at his silliness "ever since we wrote jamb my palms have been real sweaty" Vanessa a very close friend of mine said slumping down on Emma's seat my seat ends our row and after our row is Levi and Drake's row. Levi was tall with unblemished dark skin he grew up in Cameroon and due to that had this really cute accent I glanced at his locker and found him fast asleep drake was talking with his truant friends from the other class his bass voice filling the classroom i grinned and reeled into their conversation "Draco" I yelled causing him to pause he had this unbelievably sexy voice and he was so handsome the people allowed to call him that were his guys and Levi his best friend he glared at me and shooed me away can you imagine this guy I just giggled and grabbed Nessa's hand led her to the canteen " I don't even feel like eating" she whined "stop yapping I didn't even ask you if you were hungry,two fish roll, fanta and ten doctor milk" I said to the lady I paid for my snacks and took them from the ladies hands "you and doctor milk sef " she said as we approached our block "sha gimme two" "abi we are not coming from black canteen" she giggled as I gave her half of the doctor milk i bought and excused her self to head to the Chemistry lab lab to study this girl and book sef.
As I entered class I noticed James the class clown writing on the board "James who gave you marker " I said heading over to where he was writing "babe you brought lunch "he said making his way to take the snacks from my hand "come on who is your babe,what are you writing" "don't look " he said trying to block the board but too late I already saw what he wrote I start laughing so hard "wait first godi" I went to my locker quickly put my lunch into my locker .
"James What's this na " on the board he had written a detailed but offensive description of one of my classmates divine favour
" What is a plank ?
A plank is a very flat surface that is so flat.
adverbs : planky
Types of plank :divine favour
Eg divine favour is very planky"
The class burst into laughter as Tobit one boy that is not even in my class read it out loud I glanced around to see if divine was in class but she wasn't, lucky for her, I smacked James on his head and walked over to my locker not before wiping the board I was about to eat my lunch when Levi sat beside me i suddenly felt self conscious how are you supposed to eat in front of your crush "how far " he said biting into into his donut he had like 5 in his hand what's with my class boys and donut "why you dey look me like that na " I smiled nervously "why do you like donut so much" I asked and mentally face palmed I couldn't let him know that I stalked him "its sweet" I once tried eating our schools donut and regretted it I don't even get the stuff there , I nodded and started eating my fish roll "why do you like fish roll " I didn't think he noticed, I found my self smiling nervously again at my school that's what they call blushing "why you dey blush" the stupid smile quickly left my face "I'm not blushing" he just laughed at my silliness "I guess its because its the only thing in this school that fills my tummy" he was about to say something when our form teacher and year head Mrs Ali came in "so because you have two more weeks before Neco you are making noise" "but ma its break time and we've been reading since morning " Natasha said "is that so, you people should keep it up" she said and left I yawned and got up to go and throw my thrash into the bin this was going to be along week, wait Levi asked me to come to his party I have to go celebrate, I ran towards the Chemistry lab,Nessa was seating down with her prep50 wide open Vanessa's parents were over achievers her mum was a judge her dad was a surgeon they had made sure her older siblings were all studying law wanted her to be a gynecologist so she had to study hard in order smash all her subjects "bestie" I called going over to her "who is your bestie" she asked she seemed so sleepy her eyes were red " ah ah aren't we besties again,by the way Levi invited me to his party" she stared at me in shock"wait oh,let me get this straight,Levi your crush since ss1 invited you to his party" all traces sleep seemed to have vanished from her eyes "Abi you're not sleepy again" I asked rolling my eyes "abegi please stop stalling,so how did he say it, did he go down on one knee and say Catherine crews will you come to my party"
Honestly Nessa and her imagination sef which one is that again "of course not which one is that one again na , anyways I helped his sister so I guess its just his little way of showing his appreciation " Nessa giggled at this "or he likes you" she said "that one is your business" I stood up from where I was seating beside her "sha I'm going home if you like sleep here" I said and quickly walked out I wanted to get home before mummy left.

yours truly


Cathy criuseWhere stories live. Discover now