The Day Before.

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It was that time of year again.  The Capital are picking two kids from each district to fight to death. Only one day to go.
It was Marceline Abadeer's last time entering.  However being from the poorest district had forced her to have to enter her name 10 times instead of 7.
She sat in her room and stared out of the window, watching the children who weren't old enough to enter, run around care free.  Where as anyone who was the right age to enter sat indoors.  Not quite scared, not quite sad and not quite panicked.  They were desperate.  
The younger you are the worse it is.  At your first reeping, you feel as if everything as you know it is over. Your name will be called out and you will be whisked away to the Capitol to die.
However, by the time you are 15, you start to realise that it is just life.  It happens, there is absolutely nothing you can do.  As horrible as it may be.  The more open minded people consider the fact that they are not the only sorry kid to go through it.
When you are 18 you are just crossing your fingers that your last reeping will be in your favour.

'Knock Knock.'
"Come in." She said.  She had long black hair that flowed down her entire back and she was extremely pale.  She wore black leather boots, black trousers which made it easy for her to move around swiftly, a plain brown shirt which looked very worn out and on top of that she wore a lighter brown leather jacket.
There were stains of blood on her clothes from both herself and butchered animals.
A man entered the room.  He was in his mid thirties. He had brown hair and small round glasses.  He dressed very sensibley in a light brown and black suit.  Although it also looked quite worn out.
He coughed.  "You feeling okay?" He seemed rather nervous for someone who wouldn't be a victim of the reeping.  "Just perfect.  I just love the feeling that today may be my last day in the district." Marceline mumbled.
"I know.  I'm sorry.  I wish there were something I could do to make you feel better.  I really do." He said in his usual calm voice.
"Yeah whatever.  Thanks Simon."  She blew hair from out of her eye.  Her arms were crossed over her stomach like she were trying to keep something in.  She sat cross legged on her bed.
Simon Petrikov was Marceline's gaurdian.  Her father was another victim of the games.  He was one of the last to die.  He was only eighteen.  Marceline's mother was still pregnant with her when her father died.
Her mother died when Marceline was five from starvation.  After her death Marceline had no family left.  She lived on the streets for a year until Simon came and found her.  He brought her home and raised her from age six.

He walked up to her and sat on the edge of her bed.  "After this, we won't have to worry about the reeping ever again." He tried to force a smile but it just looked pitying. "Or, my name gets called out and I die." She grieved.
"Nonsense." His voice grew stern and he stood up very straight.  "Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes."  He then left the room and Marceline slumped back on her bed a moped.

5 Hours Later

It was now eleven o'clock.  Marceline went to her room and crawled into bed.  She wore a plain shirt and shorts cut from a pair of trousers.  She was completely under the covers but couldn't sleep.  She must've been lying there for hours thinking of the worst possible scenarios for the following day.
She kept thinking of the crowds of people, waiting for two words that could change their lives forever.
She finally drifted off to sleep.

Marceline was standing in a crowd of people, waiting for the reeping to begin.  She looked around.  Where is Simon? He was always there with her.
Everyone began staring at her but she didn't know why.  "Ladies first!" called a voice.  Oh great. The ceremony is about to begin.  What are the odds of it being her though? It couldn't be.
"Marceline Abadeer!" She was stunned but the normal silence that should be filling the air was overtaken by a mixture of boos and cheers.  She stood still but was pushed forward by Simon who had appeared from nowhere.  "It's your time to shine!" He laughed.  "What? What do you mean?" She replied but the push forced her to trip over her dress.  It was bright with a sparkling rainbow pattern.  'When did I put on this dress?' she thought.
Even the Peace Keepers were joining in with the crowds cheers.
"Come on up here Marcy!" The high voice chirped.  "What did you call me?!" She could feel her self yelling even though she heard no noise.
All sounds were gone. 'Why can't I hear? Is it shock?' She thought to herself again.
She could feel her legs moving her forward against her own willpower and she started to panic. She was finally up on stage when the voice began to announce the next tribute.  But she still couldn't hear.
Every thing started going black and she fell.

Marceline woke up with a jump.  She was shaking and sweating.  Her breathing was very fast but slowed down as she settled herself back into bed.  When she looked at the clock she found that it was only five o'clock but it was the morning of the reeping.  She had until noon.
She decided she would never get back to sleep so she started to read.  It was an old book Simon got her.  It was about witchcraft and wizardry.  She was nearly finished so she read until it was done.

(A/N Peace Keepers are Banana Gaurds.  Hope you like it c: It seems so stereotypical right now but it'll get better.  Hopefully my writing can improve too. x)

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