Battle Today Then Tomorrow

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I don't own the Percy Jackson characters or HoO characters. Please leave a comment or vote because I want to see if I am doing something right by writing this book. As my friend says keep your hate to yourself.

Percy POV.

Silence is all I heard from camp.

"Nico, that was a mistake that we made and have to live with it for the rest of our lives" Zeus said.

Then there was a flash of light; seeing my sister standing there. Knowing that it means that she is ready to reveal herself.

"Who are you?" Zeus asked. Slowly raised his master bolt.

"My name is Shadow the goddess of life and immortality and the sister to Omega" she responded.

"It's you! The lady that interrupt the fight!" Annabeth yelled at her.

"I have no idea what your talking about." Shadow said calmly.

Then the horn was blown to signal that there is a army coming.

"Brother, do you want to fight or stand there?" Shadow asked.

Then I just ran towards the monster army. I slashed, hacked, stab, and repeated against the line of monsters. My sister was beside me fighting also while everyone else just watched. Rude people, I mean come on it's not hard to fight. They really need to find a cure for ADHD.

After ten minutes of fighting the entire army was defeated by just me and my sister. Turning around I see people's jaws touching the ground.

"I would close your mouths or flies will fly in it." I said to them trying hard not to laugh.

"Ha! Ha! You think you have defeated everyone! There is just me left and I can only be killed by Percy Jackson! And the gods have killed him! You lose!" Kronos yelled at us while the gods looked down at their shoes.

"Are you sure about that?" I said.

Than as fast as lightning I zoomed in front of Kronos and stabbed him on the same point as Luke stabbed himself.

"Impossible?!" Kronos screamed.

"The impossible is possible," I whispered in his ear then he disintegrated into yellow dust.

My sister was signaling for me to come with her. I nodded and made a face saying I needed a minute. Then she turned around and walked off towards the woods.

"Why did you just stand on the side lines when we were fighting?" I asked the camp.

"Why would we want to help you?" Annabeth asked.

"Because I am your only hope to win this war. So now answer my question!" I asked starting to get annoyed that no one is answering.

The only excused people are the army because they knew we could handle it and the gods because of a stupid ancient law.

"We wanted to see if you are as good as you say you are," Conner replied.

I just nodded realizing that trust is earned not gained.

"How did you kill Kronos? Only Percy can do that." Athena said confused.

"I am the heir of the universe. I can do the impossible." I replied.

Turning around and walking towards the woods. I see my sister standing around the trees.

"You know that they will want to know who we are soon,right" she said.

"Yes, but we can him out as long as we can," I said.

Then I heard feet pounding towards us. Than all I see is darkness...

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