Chapter 9: Hostage Situation

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(Hey author here thanks to you guys so much for 500 reads as a thank you gift. I'm going to make a special 5 part chapter. I know it's long but after I check I thought it will be short. Anyways enjoy the chapter)

(3rd person)

In the Lost Light, We cut to Rung who is talking to Fortress Maximus in his office

Fortress Maximus: How much longer is this gonna take?

Rung: You always ask me that. and I always say-

Fortress Maximus: "Just one more question and we're done" Go on, then: One more question. so long as it's not about G9

Rung: Fortress Maximus, Garrus 9 changed everything for you and for me. It's the Psychological equivalent of ground zero. We can't keep dodging this.

Fortress Maximus: You ever seen active service rung? Ever been in a fight?

Rung: I'm an Autobot.

Fortress Maximus: Yeah, but that doesn't just because you're an Autobot doesn't mean you've ever got your hands dirty.

Rung: Okay let me gently shift the focus back onto you. You were in charge when G9 was attacked.

Fortress Maximus: Yes

Rung: What happened next?

Fortress Maximus: You know what happened next. everyone knows. Even Tailgate knows, and someone had to draw him a picture of Optimus Prime the other day

Rung: I want to hear it from you. Please: What happened? What do you remember?

Fortress Maximus: What do I remember

Cut to the past where Overlord is beating up Fortress Maximus in G9

Fortress Maximus: I remember....

(Aurthor here this part if you guys see (P) that means present. Just want to make it clear for this part)

Fortress Maximus: I remember....

(The past)

Cut to Fortress Maximus in G9 who is in a torture chamber with his leg cut off and overlord standing next to him with a chainsaw (Because he's a psychopath worse than Whirl)

Overlord: It's a simple enough proposition. You tell me how to get inside the Aequitas chamber, and I make the pain stop.

Fortress Maximus:.......

Fortress Maximus(P): I remember....

Overlord: I'm timing you. Sorry didn't I say? For every second of hesitation, I'm going to murder one of your men. And I'm going to do it in front of you slowly.

Fortress Maximus: You don't even know what Aequitas is.

Overlord: It's a massive decoy is what it is. A judgment machine? what possible use is that to me? No, I want what's underneath Aequitas. I want what Aequitas was built to hide.....

Fortress Maximus(P): I remember.......


Fortress Maximus:... Nothing I remember nothing at all.

Rung: Well, If that really is the case, we have mnemosurgen on board who can-

Fortress Maximus: No.

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